Cyclists and city hipsters are all familiar with Timbuk2, the original messenger bag. I had a huge one for motorcycle commuting way back in the mid-90′s. I carried all kinds of crap in that bag – film, groceries, camera gear, photo prints – you name it – if it fit, I carried it on my CBR-F2 in my Timbuk2 bag. Even though Timbuk2 has made messenger-style bags for a long time, they’ve never made one for photographers – until now. The new Timbuk2 Snoop Camera Messenger bag includes a padded insert designed specifically to protect your digital SLR and other camera gear.
The new Timbuk2 Snoop features a configurable camera bag insert so you can adjust it to fit whatever camera and lenses you’re packing. And since the insert is removable, it’s actually a two-in-one bag. Take it to the club to shoot your favorite band and then pull the insert out and fill it with beers for the next bike party or Critical Mass ride. No matter what, you won’t have to look like a photo nerd with the standard issue black camera pack anymore. It’s gonna look great with your big, black lens-less glasses and tight pants! All the other hipsters are going to be totally jealous when you make the scene with the new Timbuk2 Snoop camera bag and bust out your Polaroid, Holga or Lensbaby-equipped DSLR!!
The Timbuk2 Snoop Camera Messenger is available now for $150 in small or medium with three different color options. You can order one direct from Timbuk2 or buy it at your local Timbuk2 dealer.
Official Timbuk2 Snoop Camera Bag Page >>
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Awesome! Question now is, do you think the insert is available for those of us that would like to retrofit an existing bag?
That’s a good question, Thien. I didn’t see mention of the insert as an accessory. It might be buried in the accessories section on their site, though. On the other hand, they might make you buy another bag to get the insert.
is very nice bag, very good
They said there won’t sell the insert separate. Totally lame.