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You guys use the word “journalists” way too easily. No disrespect meant, but just because you have and run a blog, does NOT make you a journalist. Please consider your use of this in the future. As a trained and working “journalist” myself, I’m required to adhere to and uphold a certain code of ethics, not to mention to report to a series of editors and colleagues that help keep each other in check upholding those standards. I’m not saying that you do not, but I guarantee not everyone that runs a blog does; many don’t even know what those ethical standards are or have any sort of journalism training either. Thanks.
I won’t disagree with you on this subject – especially regarding ethics and standards. I definitely do not consider all bloggers journalists. On the other hand, when trying to quickly pump out descriptive photo captions, I think the word “journalist” gets the idea across. Do you have a suggestion for a better word that would quickly describe the photographers in this photo?