Sigma Photo Pro 4.0

Color Management Sigma Software

sigma_logoSigma has released version 4.0 of their image processing software for users of the Foveon sensor based cameras. Versions for the large sensor DP1 and  DP2 compacts and for their DSLR models SD9, SD10, and SD14 are now available.

Sigma Corporation upgrades their now venerable RAW conversion software with version 4.0 that still offers great amounts of file information and solid if only now basic navigation. The about version splash screen displayed in this cropped screen snap shows the file name and various shot and exposure information and an initial AUTO development thumbnail for each of the Foveon Sensor RAW files.


Noise Reduction Controls


Improved image processing now includes for the first time in SPP  noise reduction for images captured at  ISO 400 and greater. The Chroma (color) and Luminance (brightness) Noise Reduction settings are limited to five levels.  Zoom levels via a loupe application or the red boxed area in the lower right of the illustration are part of SPP’s interface and image evaluation tools.

File Handling and Browsing


The software uses a  very standard pull down menu and file tree browsing technology to assist the Sigma Camera user with selecting and editing images.  SPP 4.0 displays the various supported file types quickly and without major delay. It can also compress a lot of images onto a screen with its smaller thumbnail, no information mode.


Note the slider control at the bottom to vary the size and number of images shown. The buttons to the immediate right of the slider toggle on and off displayed information about the images.


Sigma has now not only redesigned their website in a very dramatic way (see link below), upgraded the service process when needed, marketed several new lens offerings, but now has improved the RAW converter for the unique FOVEON files. More of everything included in this 4.0 release would have been very welcome from greater levels of adjustment in White Balance, more granularity in the Noise Reduction Controls, or to even finally adding a basic crop tool.

Their are subtle to fairly dramatic improvements in the output quality from SPP 4.0 with the DSLR RAW files I have in my libraries.  Speed is better and hopefully the DP camera users will get as good or better improvements with their products too.

What are they up to at Sigma?” is always the question on the minds of once and future users of the Foveon based cameras. Sigma may be just keeping their toe in the water with this software upgrade until the next camera is finally released.

Sigma Links

Sigma Photo Pro 4.0 (SPP 4.0) Software download link
Sigma Corporation of America Web Site

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