Samsung announced the TL225 and TL220, two new DualView digital cameras. The 12.2 megapixel cameras feature Dual LCD screens. There is one LCD on the front of the camera and a second one on the back of the camera, which allows users to put themselves in the picture without being behind the camera .
The Samsung TL225 has a a 3.5″ wide touch-screen back LCD and both cameras have a 27mm wide-angle Schneider-KREUZNACH lens with 4.6x optical zoom. The cameras also feature Samsung’s Smart Gesture User Interface (UI) with built-in Gravity sensor. This allows users to simply tap the front LCD and the camera is automatically set to Self Portrait mode with smile detection so the picture will be taken automatically without pressing the shutter button.
The TL225 and TL220 will be available in September 2009 for $349.99 and $299.99, respectively.
Samsung TL225 and TL220 DualView Digital Cameras Press Release
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This is interesting. I think Samsung was the first camera maker to offer a camera with two LCDs. A few years ago their Pro815 superzoom digital camera had a hige 3.5-inch LCD on the rear and tiny 1.25-inch LCD on the top so you could use the camera ground-glass style. It was a novel feature that only showed up on one camera. The LCD on the front of the camera is a more consumer-friendly point-and-shoot approach. I expect it’s probaby also easier than making a camera with a rotating body or LCD display, as has been done in the past.
Just noticed that PDN (Photo District News) is calling these “vanity cameras.”
One piece of information that’s missing is the shutter delay. Panasonic cameras have one of the longest shutter delays of any camera I’ve looked at. Who wants to push the button then wait for a second or longer (twice as long as most digital cameras, even cheaper ones).
I like what I’ve heard about this camera but given the very long delay in other Panasonic cameras I can’t help but wonder how long it takes for this camera to actually take the picture.
Jerry, this is a SAMSUNG camera not a panasonic.