Sometimes I come across a product and wonder what it’s for, or why I’d want to use it even knowing what it’s for.
Here’s the second, Dust-Aid’s Dust-Shield, a clear film seal for the mirror chamber of your DSLR.
Obviously designed to be used after you clean the sensor and blow the dust out of the mirror box. Acting as a shield for dust entering while you’re changing lenses.
All well and good, but it’s not guaranteed to be optically flat when it’s fitted. It’s going to require great care in fitting to get a good flat installation. And even though it’s well away from the image plane, there’s likely to be some effect on the image. Though it may be that I won’t be able to see it.
Looking at my EF-S 10-22 and the 20D mirror chamber, it seems that the lens protrudes into the chamber deeper than the adhesive mounting points of the dust shield. So I’ll have to think on this some more.
Update: they had fitted the 1D shield to a 20D body for demonstration purposes, so it was in the wrong place. The 20D shield fits into the recess deeper into the mirror box to clear the EF-S lenses.
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I found with a D70 versus a D200 was a large amount of dust enters into the area near the sensor by other means than through the lens mount. Avenues such as in the case of the D70 not having a sealed body but also from wear of the flip-up mirror. The D200 is much less prone to dust on the sensor.
Plus, not having an optical flat device and a really good seal sounds like a load of trouble. I would also worry it might not like my really wide angle lens protruding into it.
Good luck with that product.
What da H*ll is Rich talking about. Reads like he has translated his own language by a computer. To my shame: I think it’s german :-/
Greetings from Germany