Olympus E-5 Sample Photos

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Olympus E-5 Sample PhotosBelow you’ll find high-resolution studio sample photos taken with the Olympus E-5 pro digital SLR. The E-5 is a 12-megapixel Four Thirds format digital SLR and Olympus claims they’ve done a bunch of stuff to improve the image quality over other 12-megapixel cameras that use the same sensor (that includes other Olympus DSLRs as well as Olympus and Panasonic Micro Four Thirds cameras). The E-5′s sensor has a thinner anti-aliasing filter to allow for more detail and the processing has been improved to reduce noise and improve image quality.

Olympus E-5 Hands-On Preview Video >>

These sample photos were shot in RAW mode using the tungsten white balance preset and converted to TIFF with Olympus Viewer 2 (Lightroom 3 doesn’t support the E-5 yet). The logo, text and graybar were added in Photoshop before the images were saved as maximum quality JPEGs. No post-processing, noise reduction, sharpening or exposure adjustments have been applied. The lens used for the E-5 sample photos was the excellent Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 12-60mm f/2.8-4.0.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the Olympus E-5 sample photos at their original resolution.


Olympus E-5 ISO 125 sample photo
Olympus E-5
ISO 10 Sample
Olympus E-5 ISO 200 sample photo
Olympus E-5
ISO 200 Sample
Olympus E-5 ISO 400 sample photo
Olympus E-5
ISO 400 Sample

Olympus E-5 ISO 800 sample photo
Olympus E-5
ISO 800 Sample
Olympus E-5 ISO 1600 sample photo
Olympus E-5
ISO 1600 Sample
Olympus E-5 ISO 3200 sample photo
Olympus E-5
ISO 3200 Sample

Olympus E-5 ISO 800 sample photo
Olympus E-5
ISO 6400 Sample


Olympus E-5 Hands-On Preview Video >>

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About the author: Photo-John

Photo-John, a.k.a. John Shafer, is the managing editor of PhotographyREVIEW.com and has been since the site launched back in 1999. He's an avid outdoor enthusiast and spends as much time as possible on his mountain bike, hiking or skiing in the mountains. He's been taking pictures for ever and ever, and never goes anywhere without a camera.

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  • chicken says:

    hi, there is something wrong with these high iso samples… I see some ugly blue blotches in the shadows not present in other samples found in internet… Could you comment on this?

  • Photo-John says:

    Thanks for the comment, chicken. With the exception if using the Olympus software – the only currently available option – I made these sample photos exactly the same as I’ve made them for other digital cameras. I just looked closely at one of the images and I don’t see any “blue blotches” in the shadows. Can you be more specific. please?

  • Photo-John says:

    I just took a look at the high-ISO samples (ISO 1600 to 6400) and I think I see what you mean. Those blue marks look like chroma noise in the shadows. I wouldn’t say there’s anything “wrong” with the samples, though. If those blue blotches are showing up, the camera is making them. That’s what the sample photos are for. It could be other samples you’ve looked at had some noise reduction applied. Without being able to look at the samples you’re comparing to, I really can’t comment. But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with these photos. Like I said, if the blue marks are there, the camera is making them.

  • chicken says:

    hi again, thank you answering to my comment. I didn’t want to say that your procedure created those blotches, maybe the camera is faulty or preproduction? I’ve examined carefully other samples on the net (dpreview, pixelmania.nl, fotopolis.pl, dc.watch.impress.co.jp…) and they don’t show this blue chroma noise.

  • Photo-John says:

    The camera is pre-production. But that’s all anyone has right now. The firmware is supposed to be final, although it’s very possible they will update it again. Other sites could be processing differently, too. I used the Olympus software at all default settings. I’m not sure why other sites would be getting different results. I’ll take a look, though.

  • kaptnk says:

    Download the jpegs and look at them in PS5. With a little NR, sharpening and clarity adjustment the 3200, 6400 images could be printed at 5×7 in. You loose some detail but they don’t look terrible on my 24in color adjusted monitor. I also added another NR program to polish and sharpen.

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