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Photowalklist.comDo you want to share with and learn from other photographers? Online communities like are a great place to share your photos and learn from other people. But there’s no replacement for actually taking pictures alongside other photographers so you can see what they do and compare photos. Plus, it’s fun to meet new people! has had a bunch of Gatherings and everyone always learns a lot and has a great time. There are a growing number of local photowalk groups and blogs around the world. Salt lake City, where I live, has a very active photowalk that gets together about once a month. Recently, a master photowalk blog,, was created so that people could find photowalks wherever they live or travel. posts photowalks from all over the world, as well as links to photowalk-related resources. There’s a calendar of photowalks as well as a blog-style list. The one thing that’s missing is a regional directory. With a searchable, regional directory, it would be nearly perfect. Regardless, if you want to meet and shoot with photographers in your area, is a great resource. And it can only get better. If you can’t find any photowalks in your area, organize one yourself and submit it to!

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About the author: Photo-John

Photo-John, a.k.a. John Shafer, is the managing editor of and has been since the site launched back in 1999. He's an avid outdoor enthusiast and spends as much time as possible on his mountain bike, hiking or skiing in the mountains. He's been taking pictures for ever and ever, and never goes anywhere without a camera.

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  • Scott says:

    Thanks for the blog post John. Hopefully if the site reaches the point where a larger database and bigger custom design can be implemented it will grow to something regional. It’s something I’ve been looking into. Thanks again for spreading the word.

  • Photo-John says:

    No problem, Scott. I’ve always enjoyed our infrequent Gatherings. Anything that facilitates that kind of interaction is good with me. I was already trying to figure out how to write something about the local (Utah) photowalks. But it was too regional. Your blog took care of that problem for me :-)

  • Melissa says:

    This is a great site with a lot of information. If people keep submitting Photowalks they know of then everyone can be informed!

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