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Featured Review: Nikon D3X
by wildpix (Intermediate)
Price Paid: $6500.00 from Mifsuds, UK Review Date: January 17, 2009 Used product for: Less than 1 month Overall Rating: 5 of 5 |
Got mine while the sterling was rock bottom and before Nikon raised the prices accordingly, and as I was working out of the country in Afghanistan, it also meant I could get tax free, (another15% off) end result, I paid the equivalent $8295 and got a D3x and a 24-70 f/2.8 So thats US dollars i mention at 6500
results from teh camera? well Im based in Kabul, and with another bomb going off today, security situation means i dont get out as often as I would like. Heres a link to some shots i did get ona miserable day out yesterday, if it wasnt snowing, it was raing, if it wasnt raining it was a freezing wind, but… I got out
sample images
Incredible resolution, fantastic in contrasty situations, the detail in the shadows is awesome. Colour accuracy is also fantastic, appears to be the best ive had from nikon, even fresh from the camera with no post processing. slightly flat, but nothing spectacular, easily useable. Focusing system, 2nd to none!!!
Slow speed at 14bit, (1.9fps) but I can handle shooting in 12bit for sure. As with all Nikon pro DSLRs a bit heavy, but thast part of what ou pay for such a beast. Cost is an issue, however, as I said, im not complaining really, I didnt pay much more than for my D2X in the end.
Similar Products Used:
Nikon d2x, d2h, F5
Customer Service:
Bought from Mifsuds in devon, UK. They were amazing, with Christmas, i had maxed out my credit card, yet once they managed a 2000gbp deduction it was in the post and arrived the next day!!!
Congratulations, wildpix!
Looks like a fantastic optical instrument.Enjoy!
if you’re not convinced, check out Buzkashi 3 (2nd link from bottom)
Untouched, no manipulation, Its big, nearly 5mb, but I think its incredible (talking about the quality not the shot! the shot might please or not, personally i like it handheld, D3X with 200mm f/2–1/1250s f/5.6 200iso, subject moving quite fast oncoming at about 30-40m.
let me know what you think? appreciate any comments.
ps: prob with the D3X is that the screen just doesnt do justice to the full image. But the prints are amazing.