Holga Toy Camera |
Price: $30 In this age of high-quality, high-tech digital cameras, the blurry, plastic Holga doesn’t appear to make a lot of sense. But in the hands of the right photographer, that crappy plastic lens can make beautiful, dreamy art. Holga cameras are also really popular with the young, hip art crowd. So if you’ve got a son, daughter or friend who lives in San Francisco or Brooklyn, wears skinny jeans and loves goofy, ironic art, consider getting them a Holga camera. Even if they already have one it will show them you know what’s up. And best of all – the standard Holga camera only costs about $30! So go big and throw in a roll of black electrical tape (for light leaks) and a couple of rolls of Kodak Tri-X 120 film, too! Check out Holga toy camera photos in the gallery >>
next gift – Micro-Fiber Cleaning Cloths >>
Thanks John for the hype. We are really proud of what we’ve accomplished and on a serious tear in development with direct mode and more goodies to come.
Thanks for the comment, Demetri. I really do love the Eye-Fi Mobile X2 card. It is one of my favorite new products for 2011. It’s made a real change in the way I take pictures and post while I’m out and about