Think Tank Photo Memory Card Wallet |
Price: $20 If you’ve got more than a couple of memory cards, you need somewhere safe and convenient to store them. The Think Tank Photo Pixel Pocket Rocket is the perfect solution. There are lots of memory card wallets out there but the Pocket Rocket is one of the smallest and best. Being smaller means it’s easy to carry in your pocket so your memory cards will be right there with you when you need them. They also included a little lanyard so you can safely secure it to your camera bag or a belt loop. One of the worst things that could happen to a photographer is losing a whole memory card wallet. |
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Thanks John for the hype. We are really proud of what we’ve accomplished and on a serious tear in development with direct mode and more goodies to come.
Thanks for the comment, Demetri. I really do love the Eye-Fi Mobile X2 card. It is one of my favorite new products for 2011. It’s made a real change in the way I take pictures and post while I’m out and about