Kodak Professional Ektachrome E100VS Slide Film
Kodak Professional Ektachrome E100VS Slide Film
[Jun 11, 2002]
Skip Layman
Strong saturation High contrast
Not for anything subtle! Kodak finally came up with competition for Velvia and with a 100 ISO. I find the grain no problem (I have several 20x30 enlargements from a 35mm slide that you still need to examin closely to see the grain. The thing I like best is the superior saturated blues compared to Velvia Customer Service It's mail order. Service is not offered. Similar Products Used: Kodachrome, many varieties of Ektachrome, Agfachrome, Fuji Velvia, and some I've forgotten over the 35+ years of photography |
[May 08, 2002]
Grain, Speed, Contrast, Saturation, and Color
Contrast and Saturation--this type of films may not be a good "all around film," but it can give you dramatic results when used properly! This film gives you highly saturated and rich color. It is contrasy so the images are vivid and the objects in the slides seem ready to jump off the light table. The grain is not as fine as Provia 100F or Velvia, but it is fine enough and very sharp. Since it is a high contrast film, be careful if you use it under situations that are already very contrasy, like under bright sunny days, etc. This is not your "all around films." It is designed to give you dramatic results. Do not compare this film to E100S or Fuji Astia because they are exactly the opposite type of films. If you like Velvia, try this because it is faster. If Velvia is too much for you, while Astia and E100S is not enough, you should go with E100WS or Provia 100F. Overall, this is a great film for landscape. |
[Jan 16, 2002]
- Fine grain - For the rest, nothing good.
Under sunny day: - No details in clear areas (completely washed) - No détails in blacks areas - Contrast to high - Bad CYAN dominant overall I am very disapointed of that film. God to those who love high contrast and over saturated film. Similar Products Used: Fuji Velvia |
[Sep 24, 2001]
Saturation. Doesn''''t seem to block quite as fast as Velvia, though.
Grain in skies, or clumping. All works out to the same thing in the long run. Worse sky grain than Velvia (Fuji RVP 50). It''''s very similar for a lot of uses, though. I prefer it to the Fuji 100 speed slide films. Customer Service wazzat? Similar Products Used: RVP 50, E100P E100SW ... |
[May 28, 2000]
Steen Lauritz Andersen
Model Reviewed:
Ektachrome E100VS
Sharp with high color saturation. Dramatic effect in landscapes due to high contrast. Worked especially well for me photographing crowds or outdoor audiences, where you could almost count the single individuals.
Dark green turns nearly black in low lights and peoples skin look as if they have been in the sun for too long ... terrible. E100VS should be used for very specific purposes only, i.e. where direct portraits of individuals are avoided. Rated as ISO 80 or even 64 it may produce more natural colors, but that is still for me to test. Customer Service n/a Similar Products Used: E100S, E100SW, Velvia, Provia, Kodachrome 25, 64, 200 - you name it! |
[Apr 17, 2000]
Michael Fanelli
Model Reviewed:
Ektachrome E100VS
Good saturation and color that does not overwhelm different shades in the same scene. Good contrast, sharp. Seems to be much more tolerant of exposure choices than other slide films.
Too expensive. An excellent film for outdoors/nature. Although not as grainless as Provia F, it captures more detail in highlights and shadows. Shadows don't suddenly go black, you can see the grays along the transitions. This is now the 100 ISO slide film I am using for most images. Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: Fuji Provia 100, Provia F100, Velvia, Elite Chrome. |
[Apr 02, 2000]
Charles Wood
Model Reviewed:
Ektachrome E100VS
Saturated color, good contrast, excellent sharpness and relatively fine grain.
Accentuates blue haze. Shadows tend to go blue. I've found VS100 to be a valuable addition to my shortlist of film stocks for landscape work. For me, it is impossible to pick one film stock and use it exclusively. Instead, I've managed to determine the strengths and weaknesses of Fuji, Agfa and Kodak reversal films and use the appropriate one for a given shooting situation. The other reality is that for publication or even gallery prints, it is possible to manipulate the final image in Adobe PhotoShop to the point where arguments over film stocks are almost irrelevent. Customer Service Excellent Similar Products Used: Velvia, Agfa RSX, Provia |
[Mar 27, 2000]
Art Salmons
Model Reviewed:
Ektachrome E100VS
I shot 8 rolls of this on vacation in New Zealand. This film has great color saturation especially with reds and blues. Very fined grained.
Does do as well in low light as I expected. The film is fine grained and took well saturated pictures with nice whites. This film really added punch to flower pictures at the botanical gardens. The colors were simply awesome. It also did very well on pictures at the beach in full sun. I will continue to use this film on sunny days where I want the colors to have punch. Customer Service None Similar Products Used: Kodak elite chrome 100 |
[Mar 24, 2000]
Martin Wheatley
Model Reviewed:
Ektachrome E100VS
Outstanding color saturation, sharp film.
Not recommended in low light situations I would not go back to using another slide film after using this product. Although the film is labelled as being 'extra color', I believe that it merely reflects accurate color saturation, i.e the colour saturation seen with the naked eye. Other slide films look drab by comparison. Customer Service n/a Similar Products Used: Fuji Sensia II, Kodachrome 64 |
[Mar 11, 2000]
Karen Seybold
Model Reviewed:
Ektachrome E100VS
Incredible eye-popping reds, great blues and greens. I have had good luck with very late sun, and with sunsets.
The yellows seriously suck. For instance, most of our ground cover (other than mini pinon trees) is a golden color in the winter with a nice subtle gradation in hue and tone. The vs makes everything look really ill. It is over saturated yet very muddy. It has the same effect on people, although with some the effect is more like roscea. Plus it is expensive, as I only really want a few shots with it. Use it for sunsets and sunrise. Use it to pop out a brightly colored object from a duller surroundings. Use it for an abstract study of color. But only use it on man-made objects. Similar Products Used: sw, s |