Nikon Pronea S APS
Nikon Pronea S APS
[Oct 17, 2000]
margarita Prieto
None Great Similar Products Used: None |
[Oct 24, 2000]
Bill Fifer
Brand new out of the box devoured two sets of expensive CR-2 batteries even when turned off. Great little camera, but a very expensive experience of two sets of batteries before I realized it was the camera, not the batteries. Now I have to pay to ship it back to Ritz and wait for my refund. My camera must have some sort of short circuit as it drains a set of batteries overnight when turned off. But I liked the features and may try another one to see if a different one will work Customer Service not tried, am returning for refund Similar Products Used: CAnon Elph which broke down after two years' use |
[Nov 20, 2000]
David Timmerman
Light weight
Died at innapropriate times Nikon is proving irresponsible on service; product has had intermittent problems for 18 mos, and they aren't sure what the problem is, but want exorbinant fee to keep troubleshooting. They should do better. Customer Service Terrible; $172 to fix "battery" Similar Products Used: Olympus OM1 |
[Nov 27, 2000]
Pam Love
Allows me to use standard SLR features while my family can use the automatic feature. Now we have 1 camera instead of 2.
Every now and then the shutter does not release. I can try a couple of more times and it will release. The picture turns out fine. Have not yet determined if this is an operator error or a malfunction. Also, I am not sure if I'm crazy about the way the neck strap is attached to one side so the camera hangs vertically instead of the usual horizontal direction. So far the pictures have been all I expected. I like this cameras ease of use. Even my young teenager can take great pictures using the automated option. It is very light in my hands which is important as I have arthritis in both hands. This would be a good camera for a family where one or more are camera illiterate and one or more want normal SLR features. This has eliminated the need to carry 2 cameras (2 rolls of partial film waiting to be used up so it can be developed). The price makes it very competitive as we were considering another point and shoot camera for the family with a zoom lens. This gives us real zoom capability for sporting events. Customer Service Have not yet tried customer service, but purchased extended warranty at Ritz just in case. Similar Products Used: Kodak APS, Cannon 35 mm SLR, Nikkormat SLR and Nikon Underwater Camera. |
[Dec 16, 2000]
M Yu
Easy to use, light weight, 3 picture formats, SLR and changable lenses
AF does not work well when it is too dark or too bright, bulky for using it as a point and shoot Compare to the disposable APS camera the picture quality of my Pronea S is significantly better. And the picture quality is pretty much on par to a decent 35mm point and shoot. This camera is a replacement to my old 35mm P&S and I wanted something that offers the flexability of a SLR but at the same time can be used as a P&S. I am pretty happy with my decision so far. As I learn more about photography I am confident that I will be able to take better pictures with the Pronea S than with another 35mm or APS P&S. Customer Service No experience Similar Products Used: None |
[Dec 31, 2000]
Jon Gordon
Lightweight. Well-designed controls. Many features normally found only in 35mm SLR. Excellent picture quality in a variety of situations.
Auto focus sometimes fails to work in dim light, but is is easy to switch to manual focusing if necessary. For an APS camera with 35mm SLR features, this is an excellent choice for this price. This camera appears to be aimed at the point-and-shooter who wants to move up to a more full-featured camera, but is also a good choice for someone experienced with full-featured 35mm SLRs who wants a second, light weight travel camera. Customer Service Not used. Similar Products Used: Pentax point-and-shoot, Nikon 35mm SLR, Pentax 35mm SLR. |
[Feb 25, 2001]
Cade Hovater
Small and Lightweight
APS Film Expense I really love this camera. My parents bought it for me at Christmas because I wanted to get into photography. It's easy enough for me to learn on, but has manual features for when I want to expand my photography. My first roll of film was pretty disappointing. Alot of the pictures were very blurry and out of focus. It had nothing to do with the camera though, totally due to my inexperience. I had turned the lens a little too far when putting it on. This caused the autofocus gear not to line up, so it was never focusing in the first place. Now that I've corrected that, the picture quality is great. This camera really takes nice night time pictures when used with a tripod. I do wish I could find the 60-180 lens that is offered. The 30-60 lens that comes with the camera is a tad bit inadequate. I saw it on for about $100 but it's now gone. Hopefully I'll be able to snag one from Ebay. The APS film is more expensive than 35mm, but I like being able to switch between the different sizes. Overall I would recommend this camera to everyone but the true professional. |
[Feb 25, 2001]
Allen Brown
Small if you have Large Hands This is a fun to use camera, capable of taking decent pictures. It can be as easy to use as a point-and-shoot but offers features of higher end cameras such as interchangeable lenses and different exposure modes. If you have grown beyond a point-and-shoot's capabilities and like APS, this might be the camera for you. Customer Service No expericence Similar Products Used: Canon A-1; Pentax K1000; Yaschica FR and FX-3 |
[Feb 28, 2001]
Adeff Jay
Small, Compact, easy to use, exposure compensation, Excellent picture quality. Uses all Nikon AF lenses. SLR quality with point-and-shoot convenience.
No manual exposure mode. No flash hot-shoe. Excellent camera. Very fun to use. Can deliver excellent picture quality. I recommend overexposing print film by 0.5 to 1.0 stops to get grain-free pictures with superior colors. Most amatuer point-and-shoot cameras expose right at the limit of the film's speed, but with this camera you can dial in some overexposure which makes a huge difference in image quality. This is a great camera for light traveling, high quality snap-shots, and with a higher quality 35mm Nikkor lens and slow film you can easily make 8x12 enlargements that look really good. Similar Products Used: None |
[Mar 07, 2001]
Harry Browne
Easy to use
Would like more zoom Bought camera for a recent trip. The pictures turned out great!!! This camera provides a lot of control w/ out requiring a great deal of experience to use. I highly recommend it. Similar Products Used: None |