Tiffen Filters Polarizers Filters
Tiffen Filters Polarizers Filters
[Feb 18, 2025]
Several specialty filters not available from other manufacturers. Overall, same high quality for less money! fleet repair Weakness:
none . . Purchased: New
[Jan 29, 2023]
Make sure if you get a used one to remeber to adjust the backplate with is attached with velcro to your individual hieght. It is not obvious and some people miss it. They then complain that the pack is too short for taller people. Pascagoula Mobile Truck Repair Weakness:
None . . Purchased: New
[Apr 11, 2022]
When you think of concrete, you may think of the plain grey color and even texture. Retaining Wall San Jose Weakness:
none so far Purchased: New
[Feb 03, 2022]
Folsom Painting Company really loves this. Good quality and good performance. Weakness:
None so far. Purchased: New
[Mar 11, 2011]
Optical quality, physical quality, and low price. Several specialty filters not available from other manufacturers. Overall, same high quality for less money!
None that I can find. TIFFEN FILTERS are a product shrouded in mystery, misinformation, and general public ignorance. I use a TIFFEN CP, and a HOYA CP, and a B+W CP. I have used UV / Haze filters made by those three companies and others, including most of COKIN’s extensive line of filters.
Customer Service No experience with customer service. Similar Products Used: B+W, HOYA, Cokin, Heliopan,Nikon, |
[Jul 06, 2008]
I purchased a filter kit (UV, Polarizer, Warming). The UV and Warming are just fine. The Polarizer came with defects. The rotating ring was not fixed to the glass part, so the filter is loose and rotating the metal ring sometimes do not result in a rotation of the filter. I found out the the iiner ring was not screwd tight and I have no appropriate instrument to fix it.
[Apr 13, 2006]
great polarizer for wide shots of anything including the sky
Not good for macro unnless the object is gleeming with intense light. Great filter if you want to include the sky. Similar Products Used: Tiffen Floerscent Filter, and center focus filter |
[Jan 05, 2004]
Performance overall is worth investment. Enhances images and helps reduce digital noise. Sky colors are deeper based on filter rotation. Easy to maintain.
Tricky to screw in front of lens since the rotating section will move as you thread onto your lens however this is a minor issue requiring some momentary patience. Alternative is to use with a CP lens hood if you can find one for your brand of camera. I own a 62mm Tiffen CP used with my Nikkor AF D 70-300 Zoom. I find images have less digital noise compared to lens w/o CP. No vignette problems except when used indoors to shoot through windows close up. Just stand further from the window and should be ok. Best used before the sun rises to high to be effective or late in the day. This filter offers gradients when rotated and the results are consistent. Nikon offers a CP lens hood which you screw in front of the CP then screw the CP to the lens. A small handle allows you to rotate the filter. Even without using a lens hood, works fine as long as you focus first then rotate the CP. Helps me understand principles of light and composition. Customer Service None required. Similar Products Used: 62mm Tiffen Sky Filter, Hoya 81B, 52mm Crystal Optics UV |
[Feb 23, 2003]
Price. Little handle on rim that allows the filter to be turned.
Quality and long term usability. Threads seem to want to bind up. I own a Tiffen 86mm Circular polarizer. I use it rarely recently. Have had some trouble with the filter rotation. I do like the little handle on the rim of the filter that allows rotation. I guess the aluminum that this filter is made out of (I have read it is aluminum) is worn out. I can still use it, it's just not as comfortable. Plus the glass seems to always be dirty. I bought this filter because it was half as much as a B&W or Heliopan of the same size. Guess what, I now own a B&W. Customer Service Never contacted them. Similar Products Used: B&W CP |
[Mar 18, 2002]
Photographer Will
NONE! Im tired of all the bashing on here. This is a great filter and tiffen makes superb filters, quit thinking and buy it now! Customer Service none Similar Products Used: Hoya Filters(Crap!) |