Tamron AF200-400mm F/5.6 LD (IF) 35mm Zoom
Tamron AF200-400mm F/5.6 LD (IF) 35mm Zoom
[Dec 02, 1999]
Rod Wolfy
Model Reviewed:
AF200-400mm F/5.6 LD (IF)
I purchased this lens when it first came out. I took a series of slides with it at 400 using various focal lengths. Poor sharpness. Slow focusing on a Nikon N90s. The original that I tried wasn't worth the money. I sent it back and got a Nikon 300 f4. Much better sharpness (costs a lot more though). Customer Service none Similar Products Used: Tamron 20-40 (great lens) |
[Aug 06, 1999]
Model Reviewed:
AF200-400mm F/5.6 LD (IF)
Nice to be able to zoom in the range of 200-400mm for nature photography. Certainly, the lens can't be beaten for this ability in this price range.
This lens is a little slow (aperature-wise) for some of the nature photography situations i find myself in. If you use slow slide film as i do and are trying to shoot something early in the morning, you are typically shooting 1/30 of a second or so wide open (f5.6). This makes it very difficult, although not impossible, to put a telephoto extender to get 560 or 800 mm. You would then be shooting at 1/20 or 1/15 s, which is getting a bit slow for most of my wildlife subjects. In addition, this aperature (f5.6 or f8-f11 with teleextender) makes blurred backgrounds with nature subjects just about impossible. Also, lens hood must be off to put on filter or turn polarizing filters. Hard to beat for the price, it allows people who wouldn't otherwise be able to shoot at 400mm to shoot there. A little slow at f5.6 for some situations. Similar Products Used: None |
[Jul 21, 1999]
Tom Donadio
Model Reviewed:
AF200-400mm F/5.6 LD (IF)
One of the finest lenses I've ever used. Very crisp and precise auto focusing. And FAST.
One thing I don't like about it is that the focusing ring is too thin. Another problem is the design of the lens shade. In order to use a polarizer, it must be off. This is definately a lens every serious photographer should own. Every picture is extremely sharp. The price has dropped, so now is a good time to buy. Once you get use to the focusing ring, this lense will never leave your side. Add Tamron's 2x converter and you have an 800mm/f11 cannon for shooting some of the best wildlife shots. Customer Service Tamron's service is rated number one in my book. Similar Products Used: None |