Rodenstock 210mm F6.8 Geronar Copal 1 Lens 35mm Primes
Rodenstock 210mm F6.8 Geronar Copal 1 Lens 35mm Primes
[Jan 26, 2011]
Carsten Wolff
cheap, quite small, fine colour rendition. Ok contrast.
image circle not bad, but not class beating either. Not necessarily the sharpest lens out there, although that may not be as visible in the final picture/important in these film formats. Middle sharper than edge areas down to f16 or so. For starters, this lens is in the wrong section of photographyreviews. Far from a 35mm prime, it is a large format view camera lens for 4x5"/5x7" sheet film or smaller.
Customer Service not needed. Similar Products Used: 210mm Schneider Xenar, Komura-Commercial, Nikkor-W, Apo-Symmar.