Olympus Zuiko Digital 300mm f/2.8 35mm Primes
Olympus Zuiko Digital 300mm f/2.8 35mm Primes
[Oct 03, 2009]
Sharpness, Contrast, fantastic performance with teleconverters
Heavy Amazingly sharp, very high contrast (improves slightly by f3.5), will stand the EC-14 without degradation, and the EC-20 with minimal degradation wide open - better than the competition from Nikon or Canon. AF is fast, despite not being a SWD lens. Ideal for sports, longer range portrait/fashion and wildlife. Superbly made, but heavy. Lack of IS is irrelevant, as all of the 4/3 bodies you would match this to have body IS - giving 5 stops advantage, better than the in-lens systems. Pricey, but worth every penny. Greater depth of field with 4/3 is advantageous for wildlife as it can be used wide open with sufficient depth of field to get a good proportion of the animal in - full-frame users usually have to stop down. Best telephoto I have ever used.
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