Speedotron Force Series Monolights
Speedotron Force Series Monolights
[Feb 11, 2003]
Timber Borcherding
Auto dumping of the capacitor to eliminate internal arching. Internal computer for 1/10 stop down, programmable pops, delayed pops, timed pops; make a symphony of 25 monolights all timed individually via computer software on an ethernet cable! Hard, football helmut plastic enclosure, big focusing ring, easily replaceable parts with Speedotron behind all of this. Well balanced on a stand. 8 stop range! Fast recycle, short flash duration. I suggest you download their software literature on the unit to see further features (all free). I like the lack of fancy lights on the unit. Recessed parts for impact resistance.
None. Unless you feel that 6 lbs for 1000ws is a weakness. I doubt it can become any lighter given the power of the unit. The Speedotron Force 10 is in the top three of all mono lights, a "Rolls Royce". While it is visually simple, it contains a 386 computer processor inside to be controlled by an external Palm computer via free software. It can be used singlely or in any grouping up to 25 units contolled by a Palm computer. Free software at www.speedotron.com It is a 1000ws monolight, which is fan cooled. It uses all of the Speedotron reflectors which are mostly ellipsoidal shaped for the ability of the light to be focused to make a wide angle light or to function as 1 further stop down. Customer Service Technical help always top notch, friendly people. Similar Products Used: Norman |
[Jan 15, 2002]
Jeff Toorish
-Ease of use -logical, ergonomic controls -250w modeling light that is ratio to flash -high output (1000ws with the Force 10s) -Most importantly, the quality of the light
They are a bit larger that I would like for field work but considering their quality and obvious durability, that''s understandable. These lights are terrific! If you are looking for a truly professional light set up, these are the ones to get. I researched lighting to use both in my studio and on location by reading reviews, speaking with other photographers and carefully analyzing the boasts of light manufacturers. I chose the Force 10 monolights by Speedotron after literally two years of research. I am investing a great deal in lighting for my studio and I don''t want to make an expensive mistake. I haven''t. During the past few days I have put these lights through a series of tests and they have come through in stunning fashion. The quality of light is simply magnificent. I shoot digitally, using the Canon D-30 (and D1 as soon as I can get my hands on one) and these tools are wonderful. My set up is three Force 10s with large Photoflex light boxes. I have settled on Photoflex grids along with the standard diffusion as my primary set up. I couldn''t be happier Customer Service Not yet, never I hope. Similar Products Used: SP System |