Gossen Luna-Pro F Light Meters
Gossen Luna-Pro F Light Meters
[May 05, 2021]
katelinx Strength:
Easy to use, the layout is extremely readable, and shows you EVERYTHING at once! It is packed with info, with flash capabilities that best fit for capturing the turf installation. Weakness:
None so far. Purchased:
New |
[Dec 11, 2001]
I never doubt its accuracy.
A bit larger than I wish. This has been my faithful meter for over 15 yrs.. I also purchased the 7.5/15 degree attachment at the same time and it works well also. A reliable meter is one of the most important items for any photographer. Customer Service Fine Similar Products Used: Gossen Pilot 2, which I don''''t care for at all. |
[Aug 03, 2000]
Nathan Wong
Very easy to read and use. Nulling the needle is very easy and the readouts are much easier than a digital LCD panel because you get to see EVERYTHING all at once. No figuring it out. Also it contains CINE exposures which helped when taking film courses. 9v battery is a huge plus and the ability to calibrate the meter on your own is also very helpful, though I don't think I'll ever need to use it.
No sync cable connector. The incident meter ball could be larger. When dust gets under the dial there's no way to get it out. I have dust bunnies under mine. A fantastic meter that I've been using since 1983. Well worth the money and the reasonably priced accessories are fantastic. I use the darkroom attachment and it's worked perfectly every single time. The variable spot attachment is fantastic when using my Hasselblad. I've never used anything else because of the accuracy of this meter is always right on target, even with the small incident ball. Customer Service Very reliable meter so I never had to use them. Similar Products Used: None |
[May 26, 2000]
marty pelletier
Model Reviewed:
Luna-Pro F
the layout is extremely readable, and shows you EVERYTHING at once! it is packed with info, with flash capabilities, and is easy to read
none this meter is the standard for professionals Similar Products Used: my first and probably last light meter |
[Oct 31, 2000]
tom hession-herzog
Great, reliable meter. The ability to null the meter and be able to take incident and flash readings without resetting is great--it leaves the mental math out and allows things to move a bit quicker. And, it is virtually indestructible. The meter's needle is also accurate and easy to read quickly.
Like others have said, no pc flash socket. A serious drawback in portraiture work especially (one needs to either carry around a small flash to fire slaves or use a seperate remote release). A d*** good light meter. Very durable, easy to use and accurate. I will most likely use this light meter for the rest of my life. Customer Service Haven't had any problems. Bought the meter used and still reads perfectly. Similar Products Used: Minolta digital meter (forget which model) |
[Jan 17, 2001]
Hermann Graf
Easy to use
Fragile plastic body Excellent all-in-one analog meter; lot of attachments available (recommendable: attachment for spot metering (5 and 10 degrees)) Customer Service Good, but a little expensive Similar Products Used: Gossen Sixon |
[Jun 05, 2001]
Very easy to use, dial shows all speed/fstop combos at one glance - BIG advantage over digital
No PC for remote flash, pricy I have used this meter for about 6 years - does everything I want! I thought a digital would be better, but after trying a few out, the analog dial computer wins hands down! Customer Service Not needed Similar Products Used: None |
[Aug 30, 1999]
Scott Walton
Model Reviewed:
Luna-Pro F
The Luna Pro F is a great meter. Easy to decifer the readings due to the needle. I also like the spot attachment viewfinder which does make thins easier.
The only thing that bothers me is there is no synch socket although you can take flash readings without it. The Luna Pro is a good Pro type meter that has proved itself to me for years of great service. Similar Products Used: Many different meters!!! |