Kodak Kodachrome 64 Slide Film
Kodak Kodachrome 64 Slide Film
[Jan 07, 2000]
Michael Heintz
Model Reviewed:
Kodachrome ISO 64
The quality of this film is far better than any film I've used. The colour and granularity are outstanding. I do a great deal of digital imaging, and my scanner has a specific setting for scanning Kodachrome slides. This allows for great digital prints as well.
The week that it takes for mail-in processing is frustrating, but I've gotten used to it. By far, this is my favorite 35mm slide film. I carry other speeds / types of film in my back-up camera, but I only load my main camera these days with Kodachrome! Customer Service As stated already, waiting a week for mail-in processing is an inconvenience, but the quality of processing and mounts is worth it. Similar Products Used: I've used Kodak Elite II, Kodak Extra-Colour and other Kodachrome films as well as the different varieties of Fuji |
[Aug 31, 2000]
Gene Paull
True colors, sharp, clear, good
Have to send off to get developed - I like it better than Fuji Provia 100F. The colors just seem deeper, more real, Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: KR 25, Fuju Provia 100F |
[Oct 05, 2000]
Douglas Cromby
Very sharp
Two weeks processing turnaround. It is a good all round film. It can be too slow for my uses, and the faster Fujichromes are often used instead. However, it will always give top quality resukts, and is my first choice when the light allows, as the quality of the results is just great. Similar Products Used: All 100 speed Fujichromes. |
[Sep 30, 2000]
Thomas Herter
Fatal color distortions, requires filters in many situations. For me this film is like a dinosaurs: 20 years ago it was sensational sharp, nowadays the E6 based films are similarly sharp but outperform Kodachrome in their precise color balance handling for a wide spectrum of situations outdoor. I tried this film every 2-3 years always ending with blue shifted colors while photographing on a sunny day on water (sailing) and strangely magenta/violet coloring while using it in cloudy conditions or in rain. I understand that professionals using filters might be capable to compensate for these weaknesses and like this material for its archival life span durability, but hobby photographers should better benefit from the contemporary E6 50ASA films (or in Fuji's case even from the Provia 100.) Similar Products Used: Fuji Velvia, Agfa RSX50, Fuji Provia 100, Ektachrome EPR64, E100 |
[Oct 08, 2000]
James Grove
Great for snow. I have used this only all my climbing expeditions. And it has performed flawlessly, even based on the emulsions age (kodachrome has been round for ages)
Skin tones dull. For me it is the only film i use in the wilderness. Customer Service Great turn around in the UK depending on season. Similar Products Used: Fuji Sensia II |
[Nov 01, 2000]
Leif Goodwin
Cheap, excellent sharpness, and high quality developing by Kodak. Natural colours when taking pictures in direct sunlight or with flash.
Very contrasty. Colours are somewhat muted. A very cold film, balanced for accurate colours in direct sunlight. Develops a strong blue cast in overcast conditions. Displays very severe reciprocity failure and colour shifts for exposures beyond 1". A good natural film for short exposures in good light and/or flash. Avoid using in overcast conditions and for long exposures. (I prefer Fuji Sensia II which gives excellent natural colours and behaves well at long exposures.) Customer Service Excellent. I have had 100s of films developed with only one bad film caused by a broken Kodak machine. In the latter case Kodak sent a letter of apology and three replacement films, which is more than the legal requirement. Similar Products Used: Kodak E100SW, Fuji Sensia 100, Fuji Velvia, Fuji Astia 100 |
[Nov 06, 2000]
D Legaspi
sharp. accurate color rendition
had to send out to Kodak for processing. i bought a roll of this from our local Target store just to test it...and i was amazed! my photos never looked better! i guess the picture quality you get is the reason Kodachromes held on after all these years...i like it a *little* better than ProviaF Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: Fuji slides |
[Dec 07, 2000]
Gerard Willemsen
Stable. Very forgiving of long processing delays.
Have to send away for processing. Putrid skin tones. Too much contrast. Grain not particularly fine for such a slow speed film. An old classic, but it's had its day. Similar Products Used: Kodachrome 25 |
[Feb 09, 2001]
Nick Roberts
Very stable, quite sharp
Awful colour, delays in processing, just too d*** old. And NOT as sharp as Fuji. This is the first film I ever used, now it would be the last film I would use! Kodachrome 25 is much better - still use that, but the Fuji stuff is so far ahead it's not true. Dreadful colours, slow, yuck!!!! Customer Service Slow! Similar Products Used: Velvia, Provia, K25 etc.. |
[Feb 21, 2001]
Roland Mabo
* Excellent sharpness!
* Can't be developed everywhere The sharpest film available! Similar Products Used: Agfa RSX, RSX II, CT, CTi, CTx, CT Precisa |