Kodak Ektachrome E100S Slide Film
Kodak Ektachrome E100S Slide Film
[Jul 01, 2003]
Jeff Elver
Grainless, tolerant of different lighting conditions, the saturation makes photos pop, pushes well.
Kodak has a knack for creating a real winner and then discontinuing it. I haven't tried 100G yet, but I hope it's as good. I also haven't tried 100SW, which is supposed to also be really great--and really discontinued as well. I guess one weakness would be the price of slide film. I've always wondered why I can get pro print film for $2.00, but the equivalent slide film costs $5.00. I've just started using this film for stock photography --just starting using it after it was superceeded by 100G. After shooting about 30 rolls, I've decided to use it as my main stock film. It's nearly grainless, a one-stop push works great, the whites are white, has vibrant saturated colors without going over the top, performs well in harsh lighting. It's just an all-around great film. Customer Service generally helpful and responsive. Similar Products Used: everything. |
[May 08, 2003]
Superb reciprocity, colour balance, tonality, fine grain, gentle saturation, nice whites and blues, warm browns, greens and reds.
None, but watch the blue bias in the shade. This is a beautiful film which is a little bit more saturated than a totally neutral film. It is superb for night or low light photography and has a slight blue bias, but not the hideous blue bias of Provia which makes sky and clouds a weird magenta. Using this outdoors for waterfalls and rainforests this film produces punchy results and offers a warm palette in browns, greens and reds. I have been shooting this film as my regular film for 120 and now use it in favour of VS. Similar Products Used: E-100VS E-100 GX Astia Provia Velvia |
[Jul 31, 2002]
Fine grain Outstanding, accurate color Lots of latitude for a slide film
Lost detail in very saturated areas E100S is easily the friendliest slide film I've come across. I've used quite a few Fuji and Kodak slide emulsions in the past and this is the first I've shot consistently. The grain is virtually undetectable, even at 16x20, and I've found the film to be more forgiving than most to under- or over-exposure in terms of shadow and highlight detail. Frames were sometimes underexposed by 1/2 stop and lost some detail in the shadows, so be sure to bracket, although this is important with any slide film. Customer Service n/a Similar Products Used: Velvia, Superia, Provia, E100SW |
[Jan 16, 2002]
- Fine Grain - Good for taking picture by night (is blueish tonal cut the yellow street lightning).
- Price (in Canada) - A little bit to much blue Same caracteristics than is brother E100SW but more blue dominant. I use it espacially for night picture only. Similar Products Used: None |
[Dec 03, 2001]
Very sharp, very fine grain for 100 speed, nice color palette with just enough saturation, medium contrast.
Somewhat expensive. This is a great slide film. I was very happy with the results. Good saturation, fine grain, pleasing color palette. I used it for fall color shots and sunsets. It worked really well in those applications. I haven''''t tried it for people shots yet, but for outdoor nature shots it is very very good. Customer Service not needed Similar Products Used: Kodachrome 25, 64, Fugichrome Velvia, Elite Chrome 100 Extra Color. |
[Sep 22, 2001]
Andreas Kaseder
sharp naturally saturated colors fine grain
small exposure lattitude (a typical slide film issue) I shot about seven rolls of E100S on a ten day trip around the canyons in Utah and Arizona. Even on hazy days the film produced beautiful colors. The only weekness is its small exposure lattitude and the colors shifting towards pastel when overexposed. Similar Products Used: Provia 100F, Provia 400F E100S, E100SW, E100VS, E2OO |
[Feb 23, 2000]
Thom Anderson
Model Reviewed:
Ektachrome E100S
Excellent all-around film. Good saturation, bright colors
None for me. This is my standard film. I shoot this better than 90% of the time. I love it. Finally Kodak has made an E-6 film that is reliable and punchy without being over the top. Similar Products Used: Fuji RDPII & III, Velvia |
[Feb 14, 2001]
Doesn't saturate
Doesn't get all the details, gray cloudy skies turn purple, tends to saturate blues only, hard to scan, more expensive than other slide films. I'm not that happy with it. Taking pictures of penguins & icebergs were night and day between E100S and Velvia. Maybe it's just not meant for them, but the same penguin shot between the two and I could see so much more detail on the Velvia penguin and the colors looked more realistic. The gray cloudy skies turn a purple color with this film, and it scans bad. Could be the purple skies and over-saturated blues playing havoc with my scanner. The blues saturate more than the other colors creating a kind of off-balance look. After 40 rolls I can't get this film to work for me and it costs more than other slide film. Similar Products Used: Velvia |
[Mar 30, 2001]
Douglas Cromby
It is fine grained.
Does not like under exposure or low light situation too well. It is a nice alternative to the Fuji films of this world. it is nicely saturated without being over the top. The grain is very file. An all round excellent film, bst used in good bright conditions. Similar Products Used: All other slides films. |
[Jun 13, 2001]
David N. VanMeter
Extremely sharp with the proper color depth
None` I spent a lot of money on Velvia and was never satisfied with the color rendition (toooo much color and contrast). E100S was the answer to my problems. I was given a free roll once, tried it and never looked back. Now I have lots of pretty yellow boxes in the fridge and no more of the nasty little green ones Customer Service NA Similar Products Used: Velvia, Provia, Astia |