Fujifilm Fujichrome Provia 400F Slide Film
Fujifilm Fujichrome Provia 400F Slide Film
[Sep 06, 2001]
Highly, highly saturated if properly rated and shot under the right light, and certainly sharp for its speed.
Expensive. Given the fact that the film is rated at 400, I was very surprised to discover how saturated and contrastty the chromes were. When shot at a certain time of the day, late afternoon, 4:00 pm and beyond(I have not shot it early in the morning yet)the chromes have a very warm, intensely saturated and coppery quality about them that is so very interesting. This emulsion has a most unusual color palette that will appeal to the sensibilities of a photographer who loves extreme color and who loves to create mood and atmosphere in their photographs. This film is a hit. Although I shoot Provia 100F exclusively for everything I shoot, there is something about the 400F that attacts me to it. No doubt, the colors are a little weird and funky and I do love that feel for some fashion shoots. To unlock its potential don''t rate it at 400. Shoot it at 640 or whatever speed that you think is suited to the situation. For the 2 1/4 shooter this film is a godsend. The larger negative size makes grain less of an issue and allows the Fashion photographer on location to handhold the camera and be completely spontaneous and comfortable. Similar Products Used: Currenly I only use Provia 100F. |
[Dec 01, 2000]
Hamzah Shaikh
Terrible colours for outdoor shooting! Imagine if Velvia get sick. Never even try this film, this is a suckiest film Customer Service Never required Similar Products Used: Kodak Max 400 |
[Dec 07, 2000]
John Rhone
Great Film!!! I used it to shoot a concert and pushed it 2 stops and was amazed. The grain is a non-issue and the color is great. Wonderful color, contrast, and highlights. This is my concert film of choice.
None except maybe the 12 bucks a roll. A great film for low light/action photography. E200 performs great too, but with Provia 400F gives you an extra stop. Similar Products Used: E200 |
[Dec 19, 2000]
Saturaed Colors but of course its no Velvia. Nice Blacks-give pictures a nice look. Slides appeared sharp but I didn't check witha loupe. Grain not noticeable. No obvious incorrect colors.
Expensive. I shot this iso 400 speed film at 640 (instead of 800) and developed by pushing one stop. Thus I had it 1/3 stop over exposed from the Fuji's recommendations. Customer Service Not needed. Fuji's web site has a lot of good, hard, technical information (so does Kodaks). Similar Products Used: Almost all the slide and print film color and black and white. |
[Jan 11, 2001]
Andy Piper
* Fine-grained for 400(800) speed
* flat at 400 Despite Provia name this film looks like it comes out of the Astia stable - very muted romantic colors; pinky-purple bias to neutral tones, low-contrast in normal processing. Customer Service n/a Similar Products Used: Kodak Pro and Elite 400s, Sensia 400, Provia 400 without "f" |
[Feb 03, 2001]
Vincent Quek
Fine Grain, speed.
Color just is bad. Flat compare to 100F. would prefer to push 100F 2 stop. i is still one of the best Iso400 slide available. It would be unfair to compare it with velvia or provia. But i do not recommended to used it on outdoor under shade. Suitable for indoor flash or sport. It work well under sunlight but who need Iso 400 when Sun light is good? Customer Service N.A. Similar Products Used: 100F, Velvia, Kodakchrome |
[May 02, 2001]
mark ravensdale
Fine grain.
none yet This new film from Fuji (400F) is Awesome ! Customer Service ??? Similar Products Used: Most Fuji and Kodak pro and consumer slide films |
[May 27, 2001]
Scott Eaton
True 400 speed with grain about the same E-100VS. Colors are sharp, and very rich. Whites and greys are stunningly good for such a fast E-6 film. Best 400 speed film out there by a significant margin. Skin tones are OK if you are carefull with your exposures. Strong, primary colors hold more detail than Velvia, and virtually any E-6 film Kodak makes, but still inferior to Astia/RAP.
Can't record subtle shades of anything without over-saturating them, especially blues and pinks. Pallette is shifted towards a "coppery" look with too much contrast and low exposure lattitude. 400F is a high powered, state of the art *true* 400 speed slide film that takes no prisoners. Grain and detail is stunningly sharp for it's speed, colors are very rich, and hold detail better than pushed Provia 100 or Velvia. However, Provia 400F is still a graphic film marketed towards professional photographers looking to make a commercial statement rather than make an accurate portrayal of the original scene. 400F shifts all colors to the warm side far worse than Astia, which does help add detail to skin tones, which can be a bit contrasty for my liking, so it's a compromise. If this film doesn't come out on the contrasty and rich side, your E-6 lab isn't compensating enough for Fuji films and is trying to keep their Kodak certification in spec. Since I do a lot of my E-6 at home, I'm going to try pulling this film to 200 and see if I like it better. Still, 400F is a killer film, and if you like the palette of E100S or the original Provia, you'll love it. Similar Products Used: Provia 100, Astia, Velvia, E100S, EPP, EPN Kodakchrome 25/64. |
[Jun 29, 2001]
Steven Loesch
Considering the speed (400) and type (E6), grain is excellent and color saturation is very good.
81a is a MUST in flat light or shadows. I usually switch to neg film when I need speed, simply because of the grain superiority. However, I do use E6 film in photographing eagles / turkey / deer. Previously used E200 pushed one half to one stop in these situations. Provia 400F is my new film of choice here. Similar Products Used: Previous Provia 400, Kodak E200 |
[Jul 04, 2001]
Jeffery Smith
Fine grain, high speed, accurate colors, sharp edges
None Fuji Provia 400 was the worst 400 ISO slide film I had ever used, and Fuji Provia 400f is the best. Fuji probably erred in not giving this film a completely different name. Anyone who used the earlier verion will probably shun this because of the horrid grain in the 400 (with no "f") version. Customer Service None used Similar Products Used: Fuji Provia 400, Ektachrome 400. |