Fujifilm Fujicolor NPZ 800 Professional Print Film
Fujifilm Fujicolor NPZ 800 Professional Print Film
[May 06, 2002]
Christian Wong
- Very fine grain for the speed. - Excellent color - Can be pushed to 1600.
- Need a better than beginner camera for outdoor pictures. - Very tricky to develop and print. The Fuji NPZ is the perfect film for low-light situation and has very fine grain for the speed. It is also very pushable (up to 1600) and still have excellent result. If you plan to use it outdoor, you must have a better than beginner camera (max. shutter faster than 1/4000s). I have used the films on both of my F80 and F65. The pictures turn out with excellent color, well exposed and very fine grain when I used it with the F80. The pictures were, however, all under-exposed and can see all grain when I used it with my F65. Also, don''t bring the film to your local drug store / cheap 1 hour for developing, the kids there would not be able to give you good pictures. This film is very tricky to develop and print. Customer Service Never used. Similar Products Used: The first 800 speed film. Fuji NPH, NPS Kodak Supra 100, Portra 160NC/VC |
[Feb 26, 2002]
Saturated clothes on naturally toned human skin, unbeleivable!!! contrast till the cows come home. a depth like I haven''t seen in a iso 800.
Unless you know the guy behind the counter, you''re going to get cyan prints, or if the printer is unstable he''ll probably go in the back room and shoot himself. when i bought this film I wanted desperately to like it. i''ve liked other fuji''s immensely. I work in a pro lab and develop and print all my own stuff, so i have to tell you the grain is superb for an 800, colors are incredible, soft on human tones but punchy just about everywhere else. having said that, it was a b**ch to print!!! originally everything came out an ugly cyan tone. I practically had to yell at the film to get it print correctly!! once i dialed in the adjustments just right (half an hour''s worth of adjustment) the results were quite good. But I have to admit, i don''t work anywhere near as hard to print NHG. i still like the film, and will probably use it to shoot weddings for the mega flash range, but only as long as i can print it myself, i wouldn''t wish this hell on another film printer. Customer Service fuji doesn''t do reward programs, that would be nice. Similar Products Used: NHG II--less saturated but MUCH more consistent Portra 800-- grainier but still excellent superia Xtra 800-- incredible flash range but humans look like a belt sander accident |
[Jan 10, 2002]
Skin tones come out nicely. Clean vibrant colour without the strong tones of Xtra 800. Fine grain, good sharpness
Distinct cyan cast on my first batch (negative is reddish). Easily corrected in the scan but still a nagging doubt that it favours blues over reds. Film not imported in Europe (UK & FR) for the time being. Downgrade it to 4 High-speed end of the Fuji Portrait line of films. Can be confused with NPH unless you see the two side-by-side - NPH is clearly ahead Similar Products Used: Fuji Portrait NPH (400 ISO) Fuji Xtra 800 (800 ISO) |
[Jan 08, 2002]
Don Beowulf
Tight grain and very good skin tones.
Bit slow than 800 speed. Works well @640 or even @500 also. This is an outstanding film for 800 speed. The grain is superb for this speed and the overall colours are excellent. Similar Products Used: Kodak Supra 800 and Fuji NHG II 800 |
[Dec 18, 2001]
Fine grain for the speed. Beautiful skin tone. Try it under fluorescent light for a ballet class with excellent result - the greenish cast is virtually not noticeable. Similar Products Used: Fuji Superia 800 Kodak Portra 800 |
[Dec 06, 2001]
Fast, great color and skin tones, fine grain
Price, and like NPH advertised speed seesm very inappropriate Overexposed 1/2 to 1 stop, this film seems very similar to Fuji''s NPH 400 likewise overexposed. With the exception of it being an 800 speed film, at this point I think I''ll stick with NPH for most of my applications. Don''t get me wrong, NPZ produced great photos with exceptional skin tones and faithful colors. I do have a couple of rolls left and will hapily use it. I expect enlargements to be very good. Customer Service n/a Similar Products Used: Fuji NPH 400; Kodak Supra 400 |