Fujifilm Fujicolor HG 1600 ISO Print Film
Fujifilm Fujicolor HG 1600 ISO Print Film
[Apr 11, 2001]
Joseph Tomkiewicz
Fast, Grain
Grain, Color Accuracy I use this film when I'm looking for impressionist results. Landscapes shot at 400mm can be stunning. People outdoors not so-- flesh tones don't reproduce well in the sun. Interesting to use indoors with window/available light. Customer Service n/a Similar Products Used: Not much is like this stuff |
[Jun 02, 2001]
Charles Tompkins
Speed. Grain. Look
Haven't found any, given what it's intended for This is a review of the new Superia 1600, not HG 1600. Got tired of waiting for the film list to be updated.. This stuff is great. A real 1600 ISO colour film that gives presentable colour (like Fuji 800) and has no visible grain on an A4-sized print. It's not for everyday use, but for available-light, it's all I need. Customer Service Not needed Similar Products Used: Fuji 800 Xtra |
[Jun 21, 2001]
Jason McGovern
It's fast
Everything but the speed. I took a picture of something bright lemon yellow and the color came out more like a beige. USE SUPERIA 1600, not HG 1600. This film is disappointing. Hopefully it will be removed from the market shortly after being replaced by the superia version. Bottom line? Don't touch it. Similar Products Used: None |
[Jul 08, 2001]
Matt Hockley
grainy! But then I expected that. I don't understand the negative reviews this film has had - yes, it's a bit grainy but the pictures still look pretty good. far better than kodak zoom 800 I tried which was shockingly bad. I haven't tried the Superia 1600 yet but I would happily use this again if I needed a fast film. Customer Service n/a Similar Products Used: Kodak Zoom 800 |
[Jul 15, 2001]
Innoka Toall
Weak sharpness Wow, high speed for natural light people photos! Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: Fuji 800, Gold 800, Royal Gold 1000 |
[Aug 14, 2001]
Sauli Pulkkinen
Fast and one allways gets an image even though lightning conditions might be VERY bad. Surely it´s a little bit grainy and colours might be a bit off..But on the other hand what 1600ASA film isn´t? This film is actually very nice to use when in an hurry; REALLY fast news-pics, paparazzi-shots and such. Surely, when one has time to measure, use tripods and that kind of "normal" shooting some other film might be prefered.
None really as I see it. Eh..Never use this film for say; portraits, nature, concerts (on concerts push Fuji press 800 to 1600) But! When a newspaper calls You up at 02.30AM and yells "Terrible traffic-accident at Highway 69. Must have pictures. Deadline is in 30 minutes/Scanned and ready to be printed!.." Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: Everything. But usually I use Fuji press-800, sometimes Kodak Supra 400. |
[Aug 12, 2001]
Mark Goldman
At least it was 1600
1. Really poor color I will not use it again. I hated it. Greens and Blues were way off, grain was lousy, and everything looked washed out. I can push Fuji 800 and get much better results. I tried it, did not like it, and will not every use it again. Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: Fuju Press 800 |
[Aug 29, 2001]
Vranc Douwma
Grain I've used this film a few times, but was not impressed: grainy, a bit flat. My girlfriend used this film during a trip to Rwanda to visit the mountain-gorilla's. The pictures turned out superb! Enlarged, there was grain, but the colour was good and the pictures sharp. Perhaps it is because the colours were green/brown/black that these pictures were so good. Customer Service N.a. Similar Products Used: Various 800-films |
[Sep 26, 1999]
Kristine Trent
Model Reviewed:
Fujicolor HG 1600 ISO
High speed
not really I only used this film once just to check it out. Similar Products Used: none |