Ilford HP5 Plus Black and White Film
Ilford HP5 Plus Black and White Film
[Mar 06, 2001]
Martin Cliffe
Decent speed. Not much grain. Good contrast. Great price!
None noted! In my opinion, the ideal general-purpose B&W film. While I don't shoot much B&W, I've shot a few rolls of this in the last year or so and got some great results. My fiancée has a camera body with HP5 pretty much permanently loaded... I would if I had another body! Customer Service Not needed. Similar Products Used: Ilford FP4+ |
[Apr 09, 2001]
Andy McElroy
You can push the hell out of this film, excellent contrast, $4.00/roll, about as easy to find as any B&W film.
Ugly green canister? This film is to my B&W photography what cereal is to my diet - I use it all the time even if people might say there's better stuff out there. I only use it pushed 2 stops anymore. Increase the development time by ~4 minutes and bang! - sharp, high-contrast 1600 film. I started using this stuff when my photo teacher told us what film to buy so that we could develop in bunches. Soon I tried the Kodak and even the Delta 3200 in my experimentations with other film but this stuff is my favorite. It's versatile, cheap, and easy to find. I recommend visiting the Ilford website - the Acrobat files are great for learning how to push the film and use it properly in general. Customer Service great website - very helpful info about processing Similar Products Used: Kodak T-max and Tri-X, Ilford Delta 3200 |
[Jul 06, 2001]
David N. VanMeter
Beautiful grain
None This is the only film I use for shooting B&W in my 8x10. Developed in Pyro, the negs are exquisite after a minimum of 30 minute wash. I meter this film at 200 instead of the rated 400. Customer Service NA Similar Products Used: Ilford FP4 |
[Aug 16, 2001]
Easy to get
None First time I looked at the prints using this film, I was extremely impressed with the overall picture quality. In fact on my way home, I had to lool at the prints at evewry trafffic light. I normally do this when I am happy with the prints. This film gave me portraits and outdoor shots that look much superor to those from T400 CN, which was C41 processed. The T400 CN shots all had a brown tinge in them. Recently, I have been experimenting with several films, both B&W and color, including Fuji Reala and NPS 160. I must admit that Ilford gave me the best pictures. In fact, because of Ilford 400 performance, it will be difficult for me to use color films again, especially for portraits. Similar Products Used: Kodak T400 CN |
[Aug 17, 2001]
Patrick Lemieux
Good sharpness, the contrast is wonderful. With a good developer, it's easily pusheable
none It's my favorite 400 iso film. Similar Products Used: Agfa apx 400, Ilford Delta 400. |
[Sep 08, 1999]
K.T. Morimoto
Model Reviewed:
HP5 Plus 125 ISO
Great contrast, fine grain for 400 film, does not require special processing/chemicals. Most any b/w lab can handle it. It's pushable too!!
None My favorite 400 b/w film. Sharp with just a little extra contrast with normal developing. Looks great even when processed in T-Max developer. I'm glad this film has stood the test of time as most labs can handle the processing. I can push it to 1600 with very good results. Similar Products Used: T-Max 400, Agfapan 400 |
[Sep 04, 1999]
John smith
Model Reviewed:
HP5 Plus 125 ISO
It is the only 400ASA film that can be pushed to 3200. It is a very old emulsion; if it aint broke dont fix it
no Good fast film whih is very versatile Similar Products Used: TMAX 400 |