Fujifilm Nexia F100 APS Film
Fujifilm Nexia F100 APS Film
[Apr 25, 2024]
Fine grain, neutral colour reproduction, excellent smooth skin tones, very sharp- internal engine repair Weakness:
none . . . Purchased: New
[Aug 19, 2022]
Nice data posted! Thanks the banks restaurants Weakness:
none so far |
[Feb 03, 2022]
Good quality, lightweight comes with carrying bag. Auto Glass Repair of Boston suggest would be to put a washer or locktite on the adjustable center mounting screw when you know which you will use to avoid it backing out and losing it. Weakness:
None so far. Purchased: New
[Nov 17, 2000]
Alex Hung
Fine grain
None Probably the best 100 film ever. Only slightly better than Fuji D100 in terms of colour satuation. It seems F100 has more natural colour reproduction than the D100. Similar Products Used: Fuji A200 |
[May 01, 2001]
Paris Tsantis
Nice Colors
Lacks detail and sharpness. In general, APS system didn't come up to my expectations. Too much grain for 100 film, but the finest in APS range. The best APS film, maybe the equivalent of REALA in APS! Grain is coarse for a 100 ASA film, but the finest you can get from APS. Lacks the detail and sharpness that I expected, but the colors are nice. I decided to switch to 35mm three months ago and the results I get from films that are cheaper than NEXIA F100 are far more superior. Customer Service Not used. Similar Products Used: Kodak Advantix 100 |
[Aug 06, 2001]
Ryan Visima
Fine grain, neutral colour reproduction, excellent smooth skin tones, very sharp
EXTREMELY hard to find As the previous poster said, this may well be the "Fuji Reala" of the APS world. F100 sports the most neutral colour reproduction I've seen in an APS film - all the others are way too vivid and satured to be even remotely useful. It renders skin tones beautifully. Customer Service Fuji's e-mail support is useless. Asked them a bunch of questions in one e-mail, including why F100 is so hard to find, and they totally ignored the F100 question while answering the others. Similar Products Used: All Fuji and Kodak APS films |