Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 Photo Editing Software
Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 Photo Editing Software
[Apr 04, 2007]
It's Photoshop
Missing features (Curves, ability to draw lines on image)
I have had various versions of Elements bundled with scanners so I suppose I should not complain about something that is free. After all, it's a real version of Photoshop.
Customer Service Not used Similar Products Used: ACDsee
[Jan 30, 2005]
+ Works wonders with JPG (8 bit) files. + Industry standard in a lite version + Powerful tool for its price + Allows for great creativity.
-- Cannot batch process from RAW to JPG - this was my biggest disappointment. -- Very few 16 bit editing functions. I upgraded from Elements 2 to 3 primarily for the 16 bit support of my RAW files, and with the rebate for upgrade, the price could not be beat. Elements 3.0 has great power and possibilities for all but the professional photographer, and that mostly because of workflow volume. If you are not going to do much editing in 16 bit, then this is the program for you without a doubt. It has many of teh powerful editing tools that photoshop is known for, and will enable you to do things with your pictures that you never thought posible! Even though you may be tempted to use the auto levels and auto contrast functions for quick fixes, the Tone Curves tools are phenomenal for light and color adjustments. Once you master these, you will never again use the auto fix functions! There is a bit of a learning curve if you really want to get the most out of the product, but you will definately benefit from reading anything that you can put your hands on about this product. Many of the instructions for Photoshop 8 are also valid with Elements, and nothing beats just playing with your new software! If I could, I would give this product 4 1/2 stars ... It does fall short of Photoshop 8 CS after all! But Bang for the buck, this is the software for the average user. Customer Service Not needed / used. Similar Products Used: Photoshop Elements 2.0 |