Microtek ArtixScan 4000T Film Scanners
Microtek ArtixScan 4000T Film Scanners
[Feb 27, 2001]
Waldemar Haak
Sharp Scans, good colors, perfect calibration with silverfast.
too slow for me, noisy Good scans, i guess the best in 35 mm & the price range. Very - and i mean it - slow preview (Siverfast), & very slow scan (Minolta Multi 2 does nearly a full batch scan of 5 slides in the same time, quality comparable). 4000 dpi resolution only pays off with slow slide film/single focus lens/tripod. Otherwise you can use a 2700 - 2800 dpi scanner just as well. Far too noisy for my taste (and sounds like it´s going to break down real soon, but somehow doesn´t). I couldn´t use such a slow scanner, so i got rid of it after 2 weeks. Customer Service Not needed Similar Products Used: Minolta Dimage Scan Multi I & II |
[Apr 14, 2001]
pieter Kers
very sharp
Density of 3.4 the best affordable scanner of the year 2000 Similar Products Used: Nikon 2000 |