Ilford Ilfobrom Gallerie Fb Dw 11x14/50 No. 2 Glossy 1627936 Enlargers
Ilford Ilfobrom Gallerie Fb Dw 11x14/50 No. 2 Glossy 1627936 Enlargers
[Jan 13, 2009]
Everything. The weight, the feel, the tones, the sheen. You will be proud to say that you used this paper after you do.
None whatsoever, unless you dont like Gloss, in that case suck it up. Fantastic paper, had excellent quality and a good weight, wonderful grade, works well with my negatives since mine are a bit higher contrast usually. Has outstanding blacks and whites like you don't usually see. Works well in Ilford Selenium toner, i got some nice dark blueish purples with dilution 1:10. Just an outstanding quality paper overall. Similar Products Used: Ilford 11x14 FB Gloss Grade #3