Forte Polywarmtone Plus FB Black and White Paper
Forte Polywarmtone Plus FB Black and White Paper
[Mar 11, 2025]
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hey good one keep it up |
[Nov 13, 2005]
Tone deepness, heavy weight.
Tone separation slightly lower than Ilford MGIV warmtone. It's my favourite paper, both for plain developing and lith printing. Deep warm blacks, clean whites. It's a little bit slower (about 1 fstop) than most of the warmtones papers, but the results overcome this particularity. It tones particularly well with Selenium 1+9 and it's extremely responsive to lith printing. Results may change with the used developer. I usually develop it with Neutol WA 1+15. Similar Products Used: Ilford MGIV FB warmtone |
[Jan 27, 2004]
tony joseph
not much to reveal,i did not like this paper at all,did nothing for me,if you have a thin negative then maybe this is the paper for you,how slow , my friend told me that he put this paper in sunlight back into the developer and nothing happened.should i say more?
very expensive,needs bang for my buck. very,slow paper. Customer Service none Similar Products Used: ilford warmtone,oriental seagull warmtone bergger warmtone. |
[Dec 31, 2002]
Can achieve golden tones
Slow, but then most warmtone paper is slow. This is my favorite warmtone paper. In order to get it to really be warm tone, you need the right developer. Zonal Pro warmtone works well, as does Edwal Platnium II. It looks really nice sepia toned. |
[Jun 26, 2002]
Very nice tone if warm-tone developed Base is brillant white Paper weight is astonishing
Very slow Might be hard finding out the best way to process Really outstanding baryta paper. Heavy medium weight (350 g/m^2) really makes the difference. Paper base is brillant white. Can change from neutral to very warm tone just changing developer type (e.g., neutral tone in Ornano Bromor, very warm in Ornano Normaton). Warm tone doesn't show the typical green cast. Glossy finishing is wonderful. Customer Service Never needed. Genova (Italy) has a good reseller. Similar Products Used: Similar ? Come on ! :-) Kenthene Fineprint VC, but is way colder and lighter |
[Apr 28, 2002]
Omar Ozenir
- Heavy base gives quality feel. - Good for lith printing.
- Rather expensive. - Not quite contrasty. About 1-1.5 grades less contrast then Ilford MG IV FB. - About 1 stop slower than Ilford MG IV FB. The most malleable paper I''ve used with a very warm image tone (in Agfa Neutol WA developer). It''s weight gives a nice tactile feel to the print. Excellent paper for lith printing and very responsive to various toning methods. Similar Products Used: Agfa MCC 111 FB, Ilford MG IV FB, Forte Polygrade FB, Oriental VC FB, Ilford Galerie, Kodak Polymax Fine Art. |
[Feb 21, 2001]
Kirk Klocke
-Heavy museum weight paper
-Expensive I have never used warmtone paper before. When I printed some people pictures on it, they turned out very nice after toning in Kodak Rapid Selenium; before toning however, the images seemed too blue/black. Maybe I am using the wrong developer. Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: First warmtone paper I have ever used. |
[Mar 25, 2001]
Eamonn Aiken
Nice looks in both standard and warmtone chemistry. Tonality is rich and lovely from black to white. Responds very well to careful selenium toning.
Inconsistant from batch to batch. My favorite glossy warmtone fiber paper. I usually run it right through regular chemistry, though if I want a strong warm pallate I usually use ZonalPro 1:9. I just wish it was a touch more consistant. Similar Products Used: Ilford FB Multigrade Warmtone, Bergger Warmtone FB, Agfa 111 |