Konica Minolta Hexar Rangefinders
Konica Minolta Hexar Rangefinders
[Jun 20, 2001]
Joseph Benoit
Solid as a M6
The manual is almost useless A great all around camera for just about every situation. Can be used for travel, candids, holidays (with flash), dusk, child's recital. Customer Service Not used Similar Products Used: Leica M6, Leica R5 |
[Jun 26, 2001]
Chappell Greg
Ergonomically very nice to hold & easy to shoot at slower shutter speeds. Fantastic viewfinder. I really like how the controls are laid out. If you have a good working knowledge of photography & have used manual rangefinders in the past, you'll really like the options it offers as far as being as manual or automatic as possible. I have a feeling alot of negative ads are from people expecting an almost automatic, idiot-proof camera. That this camera is not. If you don't know what you're doing, it will frustrate you quickly.
Only lack of exposure info (shutter speeds, apertures) in the viewfinder qualify as a weakness, but having owned a Leica M6 outfit, this is something that won't bother me as much as it might some. I bought one of these several months ago. After using it almost exclusively for 4 months, sold it to help finance a new Pentax SLR outfit. Biggest mistake I ever made. Just bought another new one. Both I've owned are the Silver versions without the silent mode. I'm sure that would be a great feature, but this camera is great as is without the silent mode. Not only will I keep this one, but I'll probably pick another one up in the near future. This is a GREAT camera to shoot with. I've looked at all the smaller P&S type cameras to have something I can just have on me all the time that will give me the opportunity to shoot on auto if I don't have the time, then be able to go full manual or semi-manual if time permits. Those abilities, plus that great finder makes this camera unique and invaluable. I'll not be without one again. Please let me know if these are ever totally discontinued so I can pick two or three up for future use! Customer Service Not yet Similar Products Used: This camera is unique as far as I'm concerned. I've used Nikon and Pentax SLR outfits, Rollei TLR's and Leica and Fuji (MF) rangefinders. |
[Dec 03, 1999]
John G
Model Reviewed:
Superbly built. Fantastic viewfinder. Marvelous lens. Versatile. 2nd curtain sync. (with other flash units, too.)
Difficulty in manual focusing. VF readout not enough. Fiddly dials. Aperture ring should have been put on the lens and the present dial used for shutter speed selection. All in all, a winner of a small camera. Despite the top speed of 250, it can do lots in the long exposure realm. The flash is far more versatile than it's given credit for. Spot metering in addition to center weighted. A wonderful tool and investment! Customer Service none needed so far Similar Products Used: M6, M42, M3, F4, N-90, Fuji 6x7 |
[Dec 02, 1999]
Mike Brody
Model Reviewed:
Well constructed. Very good lens.
Having to mount the flash is a pain. Lens is very good, but not in my Leica M6 leaque. Good build. Heavy and rather large. Lens is very good, but not great. I expected better on film performance from what I'd heard. Similar Products Used: None |
[Oct 19, 1999]
Altti Hellakoski
Model Reviewed:
Buildt quality is very good, picture quality excellent.
None Allmost excellent, I cant wait for HR model. Similar Products Used: Leica m2, Minolta Hi-matic, Contax-G1 |
[Oct 18, 1999]
Derek Zeanah
Model Reviewed:
Small, great program mode, excellent lens, non-TTL metering helps with IR filters
Slow max shutter speed, non-interchangeable lenses, no way to manually verify focus.
Customer Service (never needed anything) Similar Products Used: Leica M4P, Konica Auto S2, Minolta Himatic 7 |
[Oct 05, 1999]
Bill Schaffel
Model Reviewed:
Well built, easy to use compact camera with fantastic 35 mm f2 lens
- Close focus problem with filters mounted has not been corrected through four versions of this camera. This is a modern electronic version of all the wonderful fixed lens rangefinder cameras that were produced in the sixties and seventies. The 35mm f2 lens rivals the 35mm lenses offered by Leica and Carl Zeiss at a fraction of the cost. The body is well finished and laid out. The camera is abouth the sizre of the Leica M6 and Contax G2 camers. This excellent little camera is ideal for photojournalism, street, and available light shooting if you can live with one lens. The camera is extremely versitle; use program mode and use it as a high quality point and shoot or go to full manual for creative control. Customer Service Very Responsive Similar Products Used: Contax G2 and Leica M2 |
[Aug 27, 1999]
Omar Durant
Model Reviewed:
Finish and feel are excellent. The lens is outstanding and negatives and slides are much better than average from this camera. It has many options built in, however you must use this camera and work with it to obtain the best results and become comfortable with its possibilities.
No problems whatsoever. This is not a pocket point & shoot. It is a camera that repays the user with brilliant results. The size is not necessarily a handicap as many p & s cameras are difficult to hold steady due to the light weight and small size. The Hexar lends itself well to street shooting and is a wonderful travel companion. Customer Service No need to use so far. Similar Products Used: Contax G1, Nikon 35Ti |