Contax G1 Rangefinders
Contax G1 Rangefinders
[Mar 06, 2025]
I really did not need this camera. However, the price of film cameras had dropped so dramatically that I could not resist buying this high quality system for such a low price. | industrial air duct cleaning service Weakness:
None . . Purchased: New
[Apr 25, 2024]
Very small and lightweight, easy to use camera with great excellent optics. You can wear this on your neck all day without any trouble. Weakness:
none . . . Purchased: New
[Apr 08, 2024]
Difficult manual focus performed using rotating dial on top of camera Bakersfield Foundation Repair Pros Weakness:
None so far. |
[Sep 12, 2023]
You have a nice product! the banks cincinnati restaurant Weakness:
none so far |
[Sep 06, 2023]
easdfcwsdfcscxd c zxc s Weakness:
csdcb cxvsdcf sfedc. , Purchased: New
[Mar 04, 2017]
John Narsuitus
Small size
Small body size and auto features make some people think it is a point & shoot
I really did not need this camera. However, the price of film cameras had dropped so dramatically that I could not resist buying this high quality system for such a low price. I was able to buy two G1 bodies with 28, 45, and 90mm Zeiss lenses, and a TLA-140 flash unit for less than one Leica M6 body with no lens.
Customer Service none Similar Products Used: Argus C3 35mm rangefinder
[May 05, 2010]
don farra
Very small and lightweight, easy to use camera with great excellent optics. You can wear this on your neck all day without any trouble. It is a pure and simple camera which allows the photographer enough basic manual overrides to mitigate the common situations that we come across on a daily basis. The camera and lens does not say mug me on the streets for my camera or steal me in seven languages when you travel, like an Leica.
As with any film based rangefinder camera system the optical range is somewhat limited. It will not compare to a 30X mega zoom digital cameras. Nor will it offer a image stabilized sensor or optical stabilized system. It does not shoot at 10 fps or provide predictive autofocus to track fast moving objects. It does not produce HD 1060p movies. Worse part is it uses film, and is all analog, but if you like film that will not matter. Servicing and replacement parts could be hard since the camera is out of production and good camera service centers are getting harder to find. Resell value is no where as high as a Leica system, but then again it has bottomed out and is a steal on ebay these days, expect for the 21mm and 16mm lenses they are still holding their value.
I believe that it is not the camera alone that produces the images but the lenses, and in this particular case the lenses are truly wonderful and a joy to use. The 90mm is great for portraits as well as landscapes, the 45mm is a workhorse and the 28mm a natural for interiors and travel photography. While the G-1 is far from a perfect camera, for the money it represents a solid system and a high value. Try comparing it to a Leica M6 system and you will see what I mean, optically the Zeiss lenses perform just as well IMHO, and the Contax system is a mere fraction of the cost.
Customer Service None needed Similar Products Used: Leica M6, Minolta rangefinder, Fujica GSW690, Fujica GW690 III, and various digital rangefinders. |
[Apr 05, 2009]
the lens,the lens the lens and ergonomics
none that I can think of I got this camera 1 month ago.I heard so much about thru forums and so I decided to take a hand on it when I saw an add in the internet.I have the M2.M3 and the Leicaflex SL and a whole range of Nikons collected all these years plus medium format leike the Hasselblad and the Kiev.
Similar Products Used: m2,.m3,hasselblad 500cm, leicaflexSL Nikon f3,fa,f4,nikkormat ftn |
[Sep 26, 2007]
Ergonomics – in particular AE lock, AE compensation and general body construction
AF system needs a probation officer around
I recently acquired this camera second hand from a shop with a one year warranty for 333€ including the 45mm lens. Alternatively a G2 + lens could was 467€. I chose the former due to its smaller size (mostly) and the price as well as the way to focus manually although the G2 was tempting too (it is still in the shop window…). Being an old hand with AF (my first SLR was the Minolta 7000 back in 1987) I did not expect any problems using it but the first film contained two out of focus shots. The trick is of course to thoroughly check the distance scale in the viewfinder before tripping the shutter. The AF system is not bad, it is fairly fast and usually precise with the above mentioned caveat. The metering system is surprisingly good and it is very easy to dial in any correction to exposure. The film loading is easy and fast and it uses a standard threaded cable release which can be had for next to nothing. The shutter button is very nice in use as is the on/of button. The AE lock mechanism takes a little getting used to but is actually quite smart since it frees the fingers fully after being engaged. All in all the ergonomics are very nice.
Customer Service Not used - does not really exist any longer Similar Products Used: Hasselblad Xpan |
[Dec 29, 2006]
In genearal I like all. Great camera, while things work well
Viewfinder and manual focus. After 11 years working as a pro photographer I decided to buy my first rangefinder camera. I have to say that I just have it for 1 day and I only shot 1 slide film roll to test it a bit in street photography, but I can see what I like best and what not that much.
Customer Service haven't used Similar Products Used: none |