Fujifilm Discovery 320 Point and Shoot
Fujifilm Discovery 320 Point and Shoot
[Sep 05, 2000]
Elizabeth Glaze
The 320 Zoom date has an unusually large zoom range. It also allows panorama views to be taken using 35mm film. This makes for more interesting composition posibilities.
If you don't bother to read the manual you'll miss the fact that when you zoom fully, the top and right side edges of what you see through the viewer will be cut out. As long as you make allowances for this in your composition you'll be fine. Heck, I'm really excited about this camera. The more I learn about it the happier I am that I bought it! I really like all the options it offers. Customer Service Haven't needed it yet. Similar Products Used: The most sophisticated camera I have owned before this was a simple point and shoot Yashica with a built in Zeiss lens but no zoom capability. It took great family photos for years until my daughter knocked it onto a hard floor. My husband has a non-point and shoot Cannon which totally defeats me and tends to put my brain into a catatonic state. |