Canon Sure Shot Z135 Zoom Point and Shoot
Canon Sure Shot Z135 Zoom Point and Shoot
[Jun 22, 2001]
Nick Platt
Razor Sharp Lens
Turning the flash Off is a pain (Open rear flap and press small button several times, and this resets every time the camera is turned off A belting little Camera which gives me a problem in explaining to my wife why I need to keep buying hundreds of pounds worth of SLR Bodies and lenses. I love it's large size and the way it sits in the hand, absolutely cracking lens, at all Focal lengths, but most significantly it consistantly produces Sharp, well exposed photographs in all of its various modes Customer Service Never needed Similar Products Used: Various P&S Ricoh 3AF, other lesser spec'd Canons |
[Aug 28, 2001]
Bachtiar .
Large Aperture, sharp lenz, good for indoor photography
Always got a blur background, because its large aperture. Not so good for outdoor photography This camera has large aperture so that very good for near, indoor, dark light photography but not good for outdoor phography if we need a sharp background. The 135mm zoom was not good enough for the day dark (too long zoom make the flash can't cover it). Customer Service Never Similar Products Used: Never |
[Nov 07, 1999]
Darrin Ziliak
Model Reviewed:
Sure Shot Z135 Zoom
The camera is easy to use for basic P&S photography. The mode dial is easy to use.
Spot meter and timer buttona are hard to access and press. Decent P&S camera but a little pricey. Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: Olympus P&S. |
[Sep 28, 1999]
Arup D
Model Reviewed:
Sure Shot Z135 Zoom
Easy to use, very sharp photos, very hard to screw up a shot
none A very easy to use compact camera with a large zoom and many features Similar Products Used: pentax.. |
[Aug 01, 1999]
Traci Johnson
Model Reviewed:
Sure Shot Z135 Zoom
I enjoyed the ease with which this camera produced quality photographs. The close-ups as well as the distance shots developed into crisp and clear pictures. I also liked how easy the features were to use. It is good to have a camera that you can use to quickly point and shoot, or that you can do specialty things with.
I encountered no problems. This camera is excellent for any photography needs. Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: I have used another Canon camera, which I also liked. I do not have the model to share. |
[Jul 21, 1999]
greg olson
Model Reviewed:
Sure Shot Z135 Zoom
I like the range of focal lengths for a point and shoot.Also the speed dial gives me a few options on aperature selection.
NONE this camera can definitly take professional photographs, it also has the limitations of any point and shoot camera,which is you dont know exactly what the speed/aperature setting is. Just experiment and you will become proficient with the modes you need. Customer Service the camera was dropped off a 15 foot cliff and under the extended warranty it was repaired like new,no charge to me,within 90 days Similar Products Used: Pentax |