Seagull 4A-107 Medium Format
Seagull 4A-107 Medium Format
[Sep 22, 2000]
Iain Masterton
Difficult to load This review is for the newer wwsc-120 camera with 3 groups and 4 elements in the lens. Check this on the camera as I have just seen a similar model on sale with 3 groups and 3 elements.... Customer Service Not really relevant Similar Products Used: None |
[Oct 27, 2000]
Matt Guempel
Affordable medium format.
Breaks easily. I have a Love/Hate attitude towards this camera. On one hand I am excited that I can shoot med-format for such a small price, but the flaws in the camera and the poor performance make me use it less and less frequently. Customer Service None that I am aware of. I had to find a repair shop that would work on it. Similar Products Used: None |
[Dec 12, 2000]
Jonathan Wood
Superb image quality, low costs, easy to handle, new 4 element type lens comparable to Xenotar on Rolleicords
feels rough, shuttle mechanism not robust, lens can get dusty easily, not built to last This is not a camera for the novist or rough users. For expereinced TLR user, this camera can be full of fun and returns superb results. Customer Service Poor or non existence Similar Products Used: Rolleiflex 2.8GX, Rolleiflex 2.8F, Rolleiflex T, Rolleicord Vb, Yashica 635 |
[Dec 19, 2000]
Robert Romig
You can make the Seagull into Cult or Fun Camera
Too hard to handle You can get amazing photos if you buy the screw type semi fish eye Lens Cost $99.00 from Porters. You need the step up rings then screw on the lens made by Isotel. You can have more fun with this then any other camera. Actually the lens was made for a 35mm camera but works wonders when you put it on the Seagull TLR. You can preview the scenes by first installing the lens on the view camera lens but I dont do that anymore. I put ot right on the shutter lens Go buy one and have fun. Take pictures of everything Customer Service Dans Camera of Allentown PA Similar Products Used: None |
[Feb 14, 2001]
Joe Name
Breaks easy I had to sand the metal rollers that transport the film from one roll to the next, there was small pits causing spots on transparency film. Truth is, that I still use it sometimes, simply because of it's simplicity. I did break the compartment latch, but it still shuts. I think this camera has a place. Good for a photographer that wants to learn the absolute basics about photography. I used the Sunny16 rule for quite a while until I could get a light meter. Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: Pentax 645 |
[Mar 28, 2001]
Johnson Chen
sharp photo
durability For the money you pay; great deal! Similar Products Used: Mamiya 645 |
[Mar 28, 2001]
vince sweeney
Great optics
Tends to have problems with film advance Price should be the determining factor in buying a Seagull. They sell for as little as $100, and as much as $250. If you can find one cheap, great. If not, you might want to look at other options in a used TLR, like any number of different YashicaMats. All in all, they are capable of great pictures, the taking lens is sharp, and the viewfinder is bright. The problems with the Seagull, IMO, are mechanical; the film advance on my first one started slipping by the third roll of film. Lucky for me, I'd bought it a small local shop, and they immediately replaced it with no questions asked. If you buy one mail-order or on-line, and have problems, my guess is that getting it fixed or replaced won't be that easy. This inexpensive MF rig gets bashed by some as being a piece of junk, but I find it to be a great camera, a great way to try MF. Again, price is the key, and luck plays a role too; if you get a good one, you'll love it. Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: 124G |
[Jun 07, 2001]
Manh Le
- sharp image
- reliability Good entry to the world of medium format. However, quality seems to vary from unit to unit. Customer Service - returned after the fourth rolls b/c film transport locked up Similar Products Used: - rolleiflex |
[Jun 14, 2001]
Ted Gonzalas
>very affordable
mechanics unreliable okay the good part is it is just about the cheapest way you can get a NEW MF cam. And the 6 by 6 frames makes you really think about compostion. Also the lens is sharp IF focused properly(not always easy) and you stop down well and watch your shutter speed... Customer Service if i need it i am sure there is none. Similar Products Used: C330 S |
[Aug 30, 2001]
Andrew Smallman
Low cost for a new medium format camera.
Multiple problems with assembly quality, mechanical and optical function. It's cheap, but assembly quality is inconsistent. Customer Service Not sought Similar Products Used: Two other Seagull TLR's, one with 3 element, one with 4 element lens |