Fujifilm Nexia 270ix Z APS

Fujifilm Nexia 270ix Z APS 


The new Fujifilm Nexia 270ix Z camera with a 2.2x zoom lens is small enough to fit in a pocket or purse, but offers the types of high-tech features that deliver amazing picture results with ease and convenience.


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[Oct 10, 2000]
Richard Ferris


Camera is lightweight, small, and easy to use. Has a number of potentially useful features including redeye reduction, MRC, landscape mode, night portrait mode, user title, print quantity, self timer, etc. Cover protects the lens when the camera is not in use. Viewfinder changes with the print format selected - P, H or C.


Sharpness and contrast are not as good as 35mm. Noticable distortion at 23mm. Not very durable.

I purchased the camera two days before I went on vacation in Cancun. I normally carry a 35mm SLR camera with me when I go on vacation but this year I wanted to carry something lighter and smaller. After the first day of use in Cancun, I noticed a little black speck in the viewfinder. It did not have any effect on the pictures but it bothered me nonetheless. Over the course of the week, that little black speck had 4 larger specks paying it company. I suspect the material inside the viewfinder was flaking off due to the high humidity and salty air conditions characteristic of Cancun. I was extremely careful to insure no sand, dust or dirt got near the camera during the entire trip. After the trip, I returned the camera under warranty to Ritz Camera. The manager claimed it was my fault because I got dirt inside the camera. I asked how could I possibly get dirt inside a sealed viewfinder. He reluctantly replaced the camera since I only had it for 11 days. I bought the extended warranty for the replacement camera before I left the store. It made him and me feel a little bit better. I definitely do not plan on taking the camera with me next year to Cancun. In fact, I am now somewhat hesitant to take it anywhere where there is a remote chance of high humidity. IMO, I would say the camera is OK as a P&S camera but its durability is questionable. Be sure to buy the extended warranty if you decide to get one.

Customer Service

FujiFilm - Not used. Ritz camera reluctantly replaced the camera after I had it for 11 days.

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[Jan 05, 2001]
John van Dam


Lightweight camera, Cool colour YEAH MAN!!


The lens. It's a cheap plastic, never sharp peace of crap!!! Why bother with autofocus!
The door to the filmcompartment broke OFF. Cheap plastic

IF you have a 35 mm SLR camera NEVER think about trading it in for a APS camera!!!
APS quality is not good(it stinks). Yes the APS camera is a bit lighter but your pictures will be crap.

APS is nice for people who don't care about photography. People who just shoot and watch it at home with the kids. Quality is no issue.

Most APS lensen are really crap. The ones on the compact camera's are all CRAP. The ones on the BIG names (Minolta, Canon, etc.) are a bit better. Okay Canon has an EOS APS that uses the normal EF lensen by Canon, well for that price i'll buy my self a proper EOS camera!

A plastic lightweight camera is NOT a bonus. Camera should not be to light. All proffessionals can tell you that!

The formats Classic/HDtv/Panorama are all bogus! The camera shouts ONE size: HDTV. If you have preset the camere to panorama, it just enlarges the picture and makes it wider. With classic, yep you guessed it, it just get smaller. These thing happen at the processing stage!!!

The grain on the APS is really bad compared to normal 35mm. The lenses on the cameras are accordinly bad.

Anynone telling you that APS is good is a LIAR!!!

Customer Service

don't care threw the camera away...(Frustration)

Similar Products Used:

Canon IXUS, Minolta Vestis APS.......The love of my life: EOS 10qd !!!

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