Olympus OM-2 35mm SLRs
Olympus OM-2 35mm SLRs
[Feb 11, 2001]
Gary Richardson
Solid, takes Zukio lenses, easy to use, silent, small
eats batteries! a little heavy, no off switch. A very capable camera, just keep an eye on the batteries (OM2SP) Customer Service not needed Similar Products Used: p30, om10, zenits, penacons |
[May 23, 2001]
David Redhawk
Relaible, compact, simple, long power life!
except for 'out of production' lack of 1/60 manual override Long battery life and simple needle-type meter makes this body an excellent workhorse! Customer Service None Similar Products Used: OM-2n |
[May 27, 2001]
Jaime Naranjo
Olympus hit the road with the introduction of the small OM1 and OM2 back in the 70´s. TTL flash is great, It uses two metering systems (The main one consists of two silicon cells) and has interchangeable screens and backs, Zuiko lenses are low priced but not easy to find in Colombia where there are plenty of nikkors and Canons. This camera was born to be used with T32 flash.
Too low flash synch due to the horizontal cloth focal plane shutter. In day light I have to stop down to f16 to get 1/60 sec. to obtain proper synch avoiding vibrations and it is a pain specially with wind moving flowers or leafs. It was given to me by my father in law last year when decided to "retire" taking photos, he said I was the only person that will take care of this baby. He used it since 1984 and is still working perfectly. With the results it offers I think Are auto everything modern cameras really needed? maybe only for fast focus in low light. Customer Service no one Similar Products Used: OMG, OM4, XA, Canon EOS 1000 FN (EOS Rebel SII in USA) |