Canon EOS-A2E 35mm SLRs
Canon EOS-A2E 35mm SLRs
[Dec 31, 2008]
R D Callanan
Autofocus, 5 frames per second drive, range of shutter speeds to 1/8000, variety of shooting modes, excellent metering, a great confidence building camera.
Lock release/command dial. Can be a bit heavy on battery useage, always have a spare. I purchased my Canon EOS 5 with a Canon EF 50mm and a Canon EF 75-300mm zoom. All these were purchased new sometime in the early 1990's. The purchase was undertaken after comparing other brands and my thoughts at the time were that EOS 5 offered the fastest auto focusing at the time coupled with the feel of the camera. Some 12 plus years later I feel most vindicated in my choice. At one stage I was shooting upto 10 rolls of Kodachrome with an ASA rating of 50 every weekend. This involved airliners at take-off, approach and landing and the camera handled them all flawlessly. The LCD display is still as good as the first day I used it. I wear spectacles so the auto focus was important at first. However, after getting a diopter correction on the camera I now use manual focusing most of the time. The range of options built into this camera is just awesome and I have made good use of them. I have not had lock release/command dial problem that has been mentioned elsewhere, but this is one control where I have been gentle with its use.
Customer Service Not needed so far, 12 plus years. Similar Products Used: Praktica Nova