Pentax Optio A10 8 to 10 Megapixel
Pentax Optio A10 8 to 10 Megapixel
[Nov 08, 2006]
Once or twice the image stabiliser did not appear to function. I certainly have several badly blurred images (due to motion) as a result.
I bought the A10 to act as a backup and to be able to take shots of flowers and plants, - especially using the macro facility.
Similar Products Used: Canon sd630 |
[Oct 18, 2006]
Ease of use and fantastic video quality. fantastic pictures in good light and withthe flash.
takes a little long to take the pictures under low light. low light pictures taken without the flash are blured or grainy. I purchased this camera primarily to sneak it into the operating room to take a video of my baby’s birth. I looked around a researched a camera that could take good video and excellent pictures too. The A10 worked out great. The videos I took at Divx quality where pretty impressive for such a small device. The videos where clear under most lighting conditions short of low indoor light. The pictures the camera takes are sharp and clear outdoor and indoor with the flash. Lower light pictures without the flash seem to cause the aperture to remain open to long and will cause the picture to appear blurred or grainy so I would recommend using the flash indoors. Overall I would say this camera is great and I strongly considered buying it again after a ladder fell on the lcd and cracked it. The only complaint I had was that it took a little long for the camera to take the pictures under certain low light conditions. I had downloaded the new firmware from the Pentax Website that was supposed to address this issue but I dint really get to try it before the camera broke. One definite plus for the camera is the ease of use. This device is extremely simple for even the person just starting out. Compared to other products i have tested in this category, (and i tested quite a few) i would have to say its up there. Similar Products Used: NV10 |