Nikon Coolpix 4200 4 to 5 Megapixel
Nikon Coolpix 4200 4 to 5 Megapixel
[Aug 11, 2007]
Jack Kratoville
1. Excellent overall outdoor / indoor pictures.
1. Half of the "picture modes" are usless. The "party mode" takes horrible pictures at a party. Keep it on the default setting except for sunset/sunrise.
My first foray into didital photography is this point and shoot from Nikon. After two years I have to say that I'm mostly pleased with the prints I get from this camera. It was a nice way to get comfortable with digital before moving to the ever-changing digital SLR world. Although Nikon has had much success with the Coolpix series, I wouldn't recomend this particular model (4200) should you find it for a nice price on EBay or the "clearance" bin. Customer Service Does anyone have decent customer service? Still looking :)
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