Panasonic AG-DVC30 Mini DV Digital Digital Camcorders
Panasonic AG-DVC30 Mini DV Digital Digital Camcorders
[Mar 21, 2006]
Great video quality even in low light! much better video than the canon gl2 ( you can adjust it to look like the canon if you wish! ). Usable no light IR mode, I mean it actually works and looks fine burnt to dvd, doesn't look like desert storm green or gainy sony night shot. Interchangable scene files to change the "look", very adjustable. Excellent build quality and handling. Pro audio option ( factory option balanced XLR ). That removeable handle is great to.
optical image stabalization while it works is useless past 12x zoom, one area where the canon was better. Built in mic is too weak, almost useless.
This was an upgrade fom the panasonic GS250 I got last year, I needed something with good low light and potential semi pro use as a supplement to my DSLR for weddings events etc. With the GS400 gone and the gs500 a consumer cam stripped of "pro" features I looked at a few different cameras and tried out the Canon GL2, sony VX2100 and similar cams in the $200 and less range. I had a max of about $2000 initially to spend as well so the rebate that was on at the time ( $200 ) also helped. Compared to other cams in the price range despite being smaller it had good features and comparable video quality, much better in low light than the canon and almost as good as the sony. This is a Pro cam in most respects, Pro build and features as well as video quality ( in interlaced mode that is ), no still pic modes or gimics at all. The IR night mode is very usable, it's real B&W and crisp, not green or grainy desert storm look. A very good step up from consumer level cams and uses proven mature technology. Even with new HD cameras ( a few I looked at ) are comming out this camera will hold it's own untill there is both a wide spread HDV delivery format, editing is far better since most machines can barely handle HDV editing as well and delivery to DVD for the next few years throws most of the HDV's advantage out the window. This is probably the most over looked video cam in it's price range, many have told me to get the GL2 but it feels like a plastic toy in comparison and doesn't have as good video once you adjust it from the factory settings. Probably the best cam it's it's price range currently, to get better you'll need to spend alot more and get a dvx100 or xl2 etc.
Customer Service not needed as yet but panasonics site is rather sparse on info on their Pro cams. Similar Products Used: Canon GL2, Sony VX2100, Panasonic gs250 |