JVC GRDVL167 Digital Camcorders
JVC GRDVL167 Digital Camcorders
[Apr 01, 2024]
there is no need to worry about vertical or horizontal; if you aren't sure, just compose wide, and you can crop either way, given that the negatives are so big and sharp. Best to use it on a tripod or grip. The film advance mechanism and the shutter are completely independent faucet replacement Weakness:
None so far. drywallphilly.com |
[Oct 27, 2022]
It's not really very much use me recommnding the FM2n to prospective buyers as of course it is no more, but for those photographers who are less fussy than myself I would wholeheartedly give it the thumbs up second hand. There are always plenty on eBay. Chula Vista Internal Engine Repair Weakness:
None . . Purchased: New