Kata DR-465i Backpacks
Kata DR-465i Backpacks
[Apr 25, 2024]
Toddclo Strength:
simply like it a lot and still use it occasionally with great respect and joy,i mainly use handheld- Spark Plugs and Ignition Coil repair Weakness:
none . . . Purchased:
New |
[Sep 06, 2023]
hendrenu Strength:
Its still a dream to use,i simply like it a lot and still use it occasionally with great respect and joy,i mainly use handheld Meter and have great perfect exposures with all the famed Nikkor lens gears in front of me. Although i still prefer my Nikon F2 ,i use this F as back up.It will never let anyone down! Thanks Nikon ...thanks.. Love Chr M Fisker. Mr. Omaha Mobile Mechanic Weakness:
None . . Purchased:
New |
[Jun 27, 2022]
disposableser Strength:
Depth of Field preview is incredibly easy. Focusing is easy with the excellent screen. | picket fence installation Weakness:
If your flash is on and ready, but not on the camera Purchased:
New |