Canon EOS 1V 35mm SLRs
Canon EOS 1V 35mm SLRs
[Jan 30, 2023]
Toddclo Strength:
I'm just 6 feet, if a bit short-waisted, and the MiniTrekker rides just comfortably on the top of my hips. All in all, this is another quality LowePro product. Calgary Mobile Truck Repair Weakness:
None . . Purchased:
New |
[May 03, 2022]
stussy Strength:
Are you looking for an easy way to keep your property clean and in a welcoming condition? Pressure Washing Weakness:
none so far Purchased:
New |
[Feb 22, 2022]
Aina K. Strength:
The metering is extremely accurate. After a few years shooting digital, which has far too many bells and whistles, this camera strips taking pictures back to it's essence yet still has electronic conveniences. Keller Texas Commercial Drywall Weakness:
None so far. |
[Jan 22, 2022]
Happal Strength:
The photos are so good from what I can tell bathroom refurbishment Belfast pergolas kildare attic conversion attic conversion Dublin roof repair dublin Weakness:
I haven't found any Price Paid:
200 Purchased:
Used Model Year:
2000 |
[Jan 18, 2022]
Janwil Strength:
What a very nice quality! Keep it up Cincinnati Insurance Company agents Weakness:
none so far |
[Jan 03, 2021]
jackslesly19 Strength:
Good quality, captured best shot everytime.. We acctualy using this at bookkeeping bend. This is honest review.. Awesome! Weakness:
A little heavy thou, all in all. It was good :) Purchased:
New |
[Dec 07, 2020]
turnerbulla Strength:
I have never seen a GPS tracker this thick before. Maybe if discretion is not a factor then you can use this but if you want to track someone or something without anyone knowing then this is not it. It is too big with respect to GSP trackers. There are a lot smaller and I think a lot cheaper alternatives than this. I think I saw some of those trackers on this website Among Us Game on PC: Free to Download & Play Online. I accidentally came upon this information while I was browsing the web on how to play the new updated game of among us and the article was clear as day. Weakness:
Not as good as the new one. Price Paid:
1979 Purchased:
New Model Year:
1958 |
[Nov 16, 2020]
brenbobb01 Strength:
It is a 35mm single-lens reflex camera. bradenton roofing, tile roofing bradenton, tile roofers bradenton, tile roofing repair bradenton Weakness:
It has no weakness for me. Purchased:
Used |
[Oct 27, 2020]
dvanmet Strength:
I like a tank of a camera, and this one is a tank. It is ruggedly built and simple to operate. The metering is extremely accurate. After a few years shooting digital, which has far too many bells and whistles, this camera strips taking pictures back to it's essence yet still has electronic conveniences. The weight makes for a steadier hold and the battery grip gives big hands some place go without having dangling fingers. Weakness:
It will always be the weight but it does not bother me. Purchased:
Used |
[Dec 05, 2009]
built solid, professional looks, and easy to view the viewfinder with glasses on.
None It is the stuff dreams are made of, and more. For years I used several Canon F-1n and T-90s, as well as EOS-3 and Elan-7. But always wondered what it would be like to own a 1V.
Customer Service none needed Similar Products Used: F-i, F-1n, new F-1, RT, Elan 7, EOS-3, and T-90 |