Fujifilm FinePix S6000fd 6 to 7 Megapixel
Fujifilm FinePix S6000fd 6 to 7 Megapixel
[Oct 02, 2010]
The versatility of the lens makes it the perfect travel companion for the amateur photographer. You get the benefit of a wide-angle lens, can handle close-ups with startling clarity, and get a comfortable 10X optical zoom, all without ever needing to change a lens or carry around extra weight with you.
The greatest weakness I've found in this camera is its shutter limitations. The shutter's maximum time open is less than 10 seconds, which doesn't allow me to capture all the kinds of nighttime shots I'd like to. I'd like it to have an option for minutes, if not hours! There's no time-lapse option, no way to force the shutter to stay open longer to get better low-light shots.
I bought this camera several years ago as part of a promotional package from B&H. This meant I got the camera plus camera cards, rechargeable batteries with charger, camera bag, and tripod all perfectly suited without shopping around. Although it no longer has enough megapixels to be as up to date as most photographers would like, it was top of the line when I purchased it a few years ago.
Customer Service I haven't had any interaction with Fujifilm customer service because in more than 3 years owning this camera I have NEVER NEEDED IT. Not even for a minor blip! B&H has excellent customer service and makes selecting and purchasing a camera a breeze and a pleasure. Similar Products Used: I've used a number of similar cameras, albeit all SLRs with multiple lenses. I find it irritating to carry around the extra weight of lenses, many of which are extremely expensive. The opportunity to get additional lens makes me WANT to get additional lenses, which is really a vicious cycle (in my opinion). Plus, you NEED additional lenses to get the same versatility this camera offers with one lens.